Chapter 22: Gone

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I sat staring in the mirror, dark skin covered my body and I couldn't even tell who I was. My mind drew a blank, my voice was unheard. I wasn't nor will I ever be who I was. My memories were finally coming back, the person I was, the person everyone feared. I am dead, I am gone. Lavi Bookman was dead, gone, wiped out from the face of the earth. 

I felt like I was drowning, invisible, non existent. My mind tended to wonder in the dark abyss of nothingness. I found memories of no one, not a single person. After all, Lavi and I barely even had a relationship, just fucked. I had no emotion towards him and I didn't know why I had to search, the urge to search farther for him. He wasn't someone I saw down there, the man's eye was vague and it didn't tell a story. 

There was no point in continuing this life, I needed to escape into an abyss. The endless void of nothingness sounded so serene and it allured me. My life became an endless hell in a matter of a year and the Noah's...they saved me. I was now who I wanted to be, I am what I am. I don't mind destroying lives and murdering innocent people. I don't mind being near Mana every waking moment, I don't mind being close to Tyki. I don't mind seeing people so broken they don't know what to do with themselves. 

Lavi was a lucky man in my own opinion. He saw oblivion before I even had the chance to think about it. The emptyness in his eyes, it was calming to see. His green orb dark was empty. He had nothing to strive for, he was dead to me. 

I realized my mistake in believing a fairy tale, something like this could never have a happy ending. This world isn't such a happy ending. 

I wanted to thank the few people that interacted with me during my time on this earth. Allen Walker for always caring for me. Kanda for probably existing. Tyki, my uncle who never left my side even when he had shit to deal with himself. Lavi for being a close friend to me even when I ruined his he ruined my own. And lastly, Mana Walker for being my one true love. 

My life is over as I took the rope and placed it on the ceiling fan. The rope hung on my neck, I was going to hell. I am damned. A few tears shed down my cheeks. Whether I am Kya Thomas or Elizabeth Kamelot, an Exorcist or a Noah, I needed to leave this place. Lavi needed his own savior and that was not me. I need to die.

I kicked the stool I stood on and waited my fate. 

And then...I was gone. 

The End.

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