Chapter 1: Arrival

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I stood before the large black and cylinder building. I got this uneasy feeling that I might not like this place, but Tiedoll said it was completely safe. I dropped what little luggage I had and went to knock on the door. Suddenly a big face on the door awoken from what seemed like a long nap.

"Hark! How dare you wake me up!" He paused for a moment and looked at me from head to toe,"my apologies Ms. I didn't know you were new here."

"No...its alright!" I smiled sympathetically.

He then examined me as he let me in the big black doors. The hallways were vacant, no one or thing in sight. I began to get frustrated as I put my long and golden hair up in a ponytail.

Suddenly I heard the clicking of heels echoing throughout the hallway. I looked around cautiously. They clicks kept getting closer and closer.

Click clack click clack.

"Hello? Any one there?" My voice was a bit shaky. I could feel myself trembling with a little fear.

The footsteps drew near as a young girl about my own age came forward to me. She had short, about mid-neck greenish hair. She wore the uniform of an exorcist, the black jacket with the red lining. She also wore a bright red mini skirt and tall darkish red boots.

"Sorry to keep you waiting! We were caught up! Please forgive me!" She bowed.

"It's alright honest! I'm used to it!" I smiled showing her not to feel so guilty.

"By the way my name is Lenalee Lee and I'm one of the exorcist here at the European branch!"

"Oh, my name is Kya Thomas. Its a pleasure! I've heard many good things about you!" I held out my hand as we did a lovely hand greeting.

"Here! I'll show you around!" She grabbed my arm and lead me across the hallway.

"As I know you've heard that this place is known as the Black Order. It is run by my brother, Komui Lee. There are about 8 exorcist currently, with tons of finders."

"What happened to all the exorcist?" I asked curiously.

Lenalee lowered her head and slowly nodded.

"They died..."

My eyes widened a bit as I nodded,"I see."

She looked up quickly and tugged my arm,"cmon now! I still need to show you around!" She smiled.

She pulled me and gave me the grand tour of the Order. It was an amazing place! Tiedoll would tell me stories about the Order but I haven't actually seen it with my own eyes. The whole structure was an incredible complexes area. It didn't seem big, but it was huge! Everything was amazingly designed and fit into place.

She then led me to the office where a man in a desk slept. The room was filled with paper and large bookshelves filled with many science information.

"Brother! Brother! We have a newcomer!" Lenalee shook the man. The man didn't even bother to move. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. She knelt down and whispered something in his ear. The man bolted up.

"ALLEN WALKER YOU BETTER NOT BE TOUGHING MY LENA-" He paused when he saw me. He pushed his glasses up and fixed his funny looking hat.

"My apologies, Kya. I didn't realize Tiedoll sent you here so soon. Well I'm sure my Lenalee showed you around the Order. So come along now, there is work to be done!" He gave a nod of his head and motioned me out the door. I followed him without any hesitation. He led me to the center of the Order with the weird moving panel thingy.

"I suppose you know all about Innocence correct?" He broke the awkward tension in the air.

"Yes sir. General Tiedoll has taught me alot." I said pulling out my wakizashi blade. The same blade my mother used.

Komui backed up a bit,"I-Is that y-your Innocence?!" He stuttered.

"Yes sir. I didn't think there was a problem." I said calmly.

"No, I'll have to let Hevlaska check your sync." He smiled as we went down the elevator. I stood there with my hand in hand. I was feeling a bit nervous because I'm part Noah. Only one other person knows and of course that's my general.

A few moments later we arrived and faced the giant monster. She held out her hand as she picked me up and started to sync me. I waited feeling a bit scared, but I knew this was coming.

"Sync as 47%....59%.....64%....73%...73%." Her soft voice spoke to us.

"That's quite high." Komui yet again pushed his glasses up. Hevlaska let me down  as I looked at him.

"But I don't know exactly what my Innocence does sir."

"We will have to test it out tomorrow, go get some food in the cafeteria and then rest for a bit." He smiled as he let me out in the hallway.

I walked myself to the cafeteria before bumping into someone.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry!" I backed up and looked at whoever I bumped into.

He looked at me with his emerald green eyes, his hair was a dark red color pushed back with a black headband. His smile was like heaven's angel looking at you. And when he spoke, it made me want to die.

"No, please, I apologize." His voice was so perfect, I could hear him speak for hours.

"Are you sure?" I asked a bit shaky at this beautiful human.

"Totally!" He paused and continued to smile looking me from head to toe. "I don't belive we've met, I'm Lavi, Lavi Bookman."

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