Chapter 17: A Broken Fairy tale

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11 months later
I sat in a new room, one that was dark and slightly scary. The walls were Crimson and the bed looked as if it belonged in a palace. The room was huge yet I paid no part into actually looking at it. It seemed fake to me. Ever since I arrived here, my new wardrobe was big dresses and corsets. My hair was always curled now, pulled up slightly and letting some of it flow. This was required of course.
Ever since I was kicked out from the order, I've lived with my father, a wealthy man. I refused to speak with him ever since....the incident. He however stated clearly on a paper of rules I was forbidden to see him.
The only one I could possibly be doing this for. Its been almost a year since and I still can't get the look of him out of my mind. Burned it was, what could they do to him? I know they haven't killed him for I can hear his screams in the night. Shaking the hallways leaving me restless and in tears. Some nights I would try to look for him inching my way to his screams but when I get close a wall appears in my way. I can never figure out where the switch was.
The only bright side to this huge mansion is that Tyki visits sometimes but it's rare, very rare. Sheril's wife is nice to me as well, though I can see fear in her eyes every glance I take. Road is well.... I never know. She's here and there and everywhere basically.
Ever since I arrived, I've only done what was asked of me, practicing using my Noah abilities, how to destroy innocence, talking and controlling akuma. Personally I talk to them as mere friends then enemies. Some say they hate being Akuma and others think it's a blessing. I however, think that being a Noah is a curse, me being here is a living hell and I refuse to ever leave this room to know what's out there, beyond the crimson walls. The others probably hate me, that day I was kicked out of the order, Kanda refused to even glance towards me and Allen...Allen hasn't been seen since, they say he's the Fourteenth. I've never seen the Fourteenth but his image, some how appears in my dreams.

Catching me in the past, one of our many akuma servants walked in the door with a tray of food. She spoke no words, however that giant, black star on her forehead reminded myself of who I was. I quickly turned away to face the window, hoping she would leave my room immediately.

"You never eat, Miss Kamelot." The name made chills go up my spine. It made it seem I was living a nightmare of who I actually was, a monster. I reached for a dagger on my nightstand hoping she would see that I'm not in the mood. "Please, I do apologize for being rather rude." The akuma bowed before exiting the room. I set the knife back down on the nightstand, angry of the fact she claimed that I was his daughter.

I glanced at the food tray before making my way towards it. The food looked marvelous making my stomach make dying whale noises. I couldn't help but smile as I ate the food like a vulture. That was before the one they called my father walked in. With disgusting grace, he walked in like the cultured swine he was, making me more angry with every breath he took.

"My dear, sweet Kya, why must you be upset? I let you in my beautiful mansion." Every word he said was toxic, almost making me choke.

"I won't remind you of what you've done." Was all I could say, I reached for the knife and quickly turned towards him before he grabbed my wrist and squeezed. The dagger hit the floor as I bit down on my teeth from the slight pain.

"Be a good girl, and I might actually let you outside of your room." He grinned before clinching onto my wrist harder.

"You only speak lies!" I coughed before trying break his grip. With that sly grin on his face made me want to actually throw up. I threw my knee in his gut causing him to break from his grip, I fell but only slightly reaching for the sharp piece of metal and jabbing at his shoulder. He just simply laughed causing a confusing look on my face.

"You truly are a stupid girl." He took the knife out of his shoulder without any problems. He let his blood trickle down his arm but he still appeared grinning. I was drawn back by his rude remark hoping that he would just leave me be.

"I know what this is about, you actually loved that Bookman didn't you? Foolish mistake on your part, he's dead." His words made me drop to my knees instantly, it was something I refused to believe. There was no way he could have died, he isn't like that. He's strong, I know he is. My eyes streamed down tears. I can't believe he's dead because I know he isn't.

"Liar..." I barely made a sound. "That's all you ever do is lie. You make me believe that hope is lost when I can hear him every night, only for me to suffer each day as I stay in this hell. I know who I am but I could never see any one suffer from what I can do." I looked up at him with a stern look on my face.

"But I know what you will do with the sight of a humans blood." Sheril smirked as he turned human and I being able to see the blood trickle down his arm causing my eyes to seek only blood.

"You can't control yourself for the sight of blood can you? The sweet crimson liquid pouring out from a humans body? Such delicacy, makes you go...crazy." He smirked taking some and putting it on my face. My eyes widened with horror as I grabbed his shoulder, licking the blood from him. The taste was so precious in my mouth causing my heart to beat fast. This craving I have, the taste of mortal blood.

"I need more." I whispered into his ear and hearing his laugh brought a smile to my face.

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