Chapter 21: Enmity

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I laid on the window bay, looking up at the sky. Everyone else was gone on some man hunt to search for Allen Walker while I stay, waiting. The night was calm and quiet, the sky especially starry. It seemed to resemble someones eyes in a way, I can't think of the name, but...I grew weary of searching for that one person. The moon laid a light of silver throughout the mansion.

The door opened as I sat up looking up to see Wisely, Tyki and 'Mana'. 'Mana' grew back to the appearance I'm used to, his skin fading back to a tan, his hair grew as he looked much skinnier. Him and Wisely went down the hall and in the dim light, I saw him crying, repeating over and over: "I'm not Mana...I'm not Mana..." Tyki looked over towards me, simply shaking his head before heading my way. I held my breath.

"Well? What happened?" My breath shook as I could only manage a whisper. I looked up at Tyki, barely managing eye contact as they would shift down the hall way. The Earl was notorious, whenever something happened, he would sleep it away. His slumber would make him forget, the dreams he would have soothed him into a false reality of hope. Tyki simply shook his head.

"Nea. Nea Walker, he's almost completely taken over Allen's body. He mentioned 'Mana' to the Earl. The Earl freaked as we fled." Tyki sighed taking a cigarette and lighting it. "He's going to be out for a while." He grabbed my arm and led me away upon hearing the screams of the Earl in the distance. A shiver slid up my spine as I plugged my ears. 

"Nea Walker...I want to kill him." I stated simply. Tyki just chuckled and shook his head.

"You'll get your chance here soon." Tyki blew out some smoke as we continued down the hallway. 

"You know..." I started as he turned to me, upon opening a door, leading down a stairwell. "Despite me losing memory, I don't think I could forget how ridiculous I feel in this dress." We both laughed as I messed with my rags. We descended down the stairs into a room where a man lay on the floor. His coat torn, his jeans ripped and a boot off. I held my breath once he turned to face me. His eye, a dull green as his red hair blocked the other one. He sat up showing another but older man, clearly dead. 

I grew angry, my chest felt heavy as it began to get harder to breathe. I strolled over lifting him up almost annoyed at his weak appearance. 

"Kya.." He said wearily. I didn't know who he was and I didn't want to. 

"Who are you? How do you know?" I said shaking, dropping him to the ground. He grunted upon hitting the ground.

"Who are you?!" I repeated again, my skin turning to the dark gray color I was used to. 

"It's me...Lavi. Don't you know me?" He spoke sounding alone. His voice had emotion but I didn't care, he was an exorcist.

"Get away!" I shouted backing up, "He's dead. Lavi Bookman is dead. You aren't him, you will never be him."

 I said, my voice hallow. I was tired of crying, I was tired of hunting for someone I don't even care about.

"Lavi Bookman is dead..." I repeated once more before looking at Tyki. His face hard to read, I came up to him. I fell to my knees into his arms and collapsed into them. Lavi Bookman was dead and....

I was too. 

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