Chapter 5: The Akuma

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There it was standing in front of me. Its expression was cold and fierce. I definitely feared my life. He took a step closer as I pushed back. This is just a dream... I thought. But it wasn't. I could feel the wind blowing and the rain pouring on my skin. I could feel the shivers up my spine and the adrenaline rushing. I'm not afraid, I'm just unprepared...

I held my sword in front of him as I glared. A flash of lightning appeared, followed by a crash of thunder. I need to focus on the objective, actually sync with my innocence. feel my weapon and become a part of it. This is the strategy I need to use. I am no expert, but I can fend for myself. I need to understand and see what this akuma can do. All akuma have different abilities when they reach level 2. But since this is a level 3, its powers have increased for the better. 

"Innocence...activate." I said calmly touching the middle of my sword as an electric current flourished from the sword sedning a shock through my body. I am the sky. I control all aspect of this battle.

"You actually believe you can defeat me with some lightning?" The akumas hollow voice spoke to me.

"I believe I can at least defeat you..." I went to him as I charged to attack only to be stopped by his armor. I swung my sword again sending electricity through his armor. I raised my leg to kick him but he stopped it as he flung me against a tree. I knocked my head and slid down but quickly go up.

"I know you're a new exorcist." The akuma walked towards me again.

 "H-how do you know that?" I looked at him with my voice trembling. It's too soon to show weakness.

"That is for me to now, and you to find out."  I could feel the akuma smirking, you know, I really hate guessing games. I charged at him again only to be stopped at my tracks imagining what I was doing. Don't charge the akuma....he will know what to do and have time to react. I backed up as the akuma made its way, closer, to me. I froze.

He lifted my chin up and took my a sum of my hair and stroked it. I could myself tense up. I need to do something! I am not helpless! 

"Such a beautiful exorcist only to be killed by the presence of a demon." He whispered into my ear. My eyes widened as I felt his hand on my chest. I felt something warm through my body. I screamed in pain as I knew he was electifying me. He let go as I dropped to the ground unable to get up. Fist battle with an akuma and it had to be level 3. I had to show that I was weak. I, Kya Grace Thomas, am not weak! I stood up, struggled but I made it. I grabbed my sword and sliced the teeth of the akuma. His jawline fell as he yelled. The birds ib the forest flew off. 

I grabbed the sword, "Innocence activate Level 2: Heavens Light!" I said as I raised my sword up. A light beamed down on my sword making it bright and glowing with light.

"I am the Sky!" I yelled as I swung my sword sending the light at the akuma as lightning hit it. He was risen up from the ground as the light of my sword and the attack send shocks through him. I could see him shaking. I noticed that he was disappearing and before you knew it...poof. No more akuma. 

I fell to the ground as I felt arms catching me. I looked up and saw Lavi as my vision faded. "Lavi...." I said before blacking out.

I woke up in the hospital with an old man in the room. My head and most of my body was in white wrapping as I looked at the door way. Lavi was looking at the ground with his arms folded in a deep thought. 

"Good, you're finally awake." The old man said. He was also in an exorcist outfit a little loose for his small figure. He was mostly bald with a ponytail at the very top of his head. He also had dark eyes as if he was already purposing death. 

" body..." I sat up, though it was painful. 

I looked over at Lavi who was looking back at me. I could see guilt in his eyes as he shook his head and looked out the window.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I looked back at the old man. 

"You can call me Bookman. I am Lavi's master."  Bookman said.

"when can I leave. Lavi and I have a missio-" I was cut off by Lavi.

"Allen and Lenalee are taking care of it. I had to contact the Order after I brought you here. They replied with that I can have Bookman but the mission was cancelled." He sighed.

"Lavi..." I said calmly. 

"The train comes around noon tomorrow. Good luck getting home." Lavi left with my jacket and sword on the chair. Bookman also left the room. I hesitated for a moment but quickly got up and left the room and searched the hospital for him. I continued my search looking in various hallways and asking some people if they seen him at that moment. about two minutes I saw him right by the exit. I grabbed his shoulder  and made him face me. Bookman scurried off, I'm sure he doesn't want to hear this.

"You idiot! It's not your fault I got hurt if that's what you think! I could have easily defended myself, and I did! It was never my intention for you to leafe and it was my fault for leavin the place when you told me to stay. I'm sorry Lavi1 I want you to take me back to the order!" I could feel warm tear coming from my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.

Lavi grabbed both of my shoulders before leaning in. That was the moment his lips pressed on mine sending my body in complete shut down mode. 

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