Chapter 19: 34 Years

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In the sense that Mana Walker is actually the Earl was pretty clear to me. I've seen the Earl many times since I've been to this mansion, despite what everyone thinks, something always goes through his head. Mana Walker screams in the middle of the night almost begging to be set free. With those screams comes a slight whisper, the longing of his brother. Nea Walker is someone else however. Mana and Nea are two very different people from what I have seen and heard. Mana has no idea who he actually is plus he doesn't remember who he was. Nea knows everything that has happened in the last 35 years. Taking over Allen Walker's body was just a slight bonus.

Mana Walker is a year older than his brother, Nea. They were born together however after the previous Earl vanished into thin air.  The only Earl to vanish into thin air. Mana and Neah were later found in his clothing as babies only to be raised by the one who loved the Earl. She took care of them until the "Earl" slaughtered her. Mana and Nea later tried to kill the Earl themselves, mostly Nea, Mana was just to support him. Nea succeeded into killing every Noah except three, the Earl, Road and myself. Nea later in battle with the Earl, didn't fulfill his plan as the Earl, won, as Mana held him in his arms until Nea "died". Mana Walker then devored Nea, as a monster and a brother to keep him safe later losing his sanity. His Noah form took over him, making him scared of himself and others. He had to fulfill one goal, to become the Earl. After all, Nea and himself are "one" with each other. This is the story of Mana Walker, an innocent man only to be the destroyer of mankind.

And what of me? Who am I? I am not Kya Thomas, I am Elizabeth Kamelot.  I am the adoptive daughter of Sheril Kamelot one of the first Noah to live through Nea Walker. After the incident with Mana, heartbroken, I slept. I slept for 34 years dreaming of nothing but darkness until 17 years later. False memories of my childhood put into play, the thought of a false mother, the thought of training with General Tiedoll who probably doesn't really know of my existence. The Order just realized of my well being vanished me. I am a full bred Noah, I'm suppose to be feared. The others probably don't know of my existence either making my time with Lavi meaningless, where ever he is? Shaun probably...shit. Shaun. I don't even know where to begin, she's disappeared, well I shouldn't say that. Tyki knows where she is but I don't. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me, that crazy akuma.

I'm so lost, and now when I see Mana, I can't help but cry. I don't want to cry but I do. I guess that's just the worst part about me then. I recieve old memories here and there now, it's almost like trying to remember a dream, a good dream. A better dream, a dream that you don't want to let go of. I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm a Noah, thinking half of my life was a lie and not remembering my life before 34 years ago can be taken hard. I however am really confused on the whole situation.

And lucky me, I have to take something to "Mana" today. The man who doesn't know who he is but the rest of us do. Walking down the hallway, I grew nervous, I haven't been to this side of the mansion since around 2 months ago, the first time was pretty scary. I carried something that was rather important to everyone else here in existance, Mana Walker's ribbon. They say if I deliver it (they being Nea) he would remember some of his old life. Which gets me a little worried because I have no idea how "Mana" will react. He's scary when something goes not according to plan.

I entered the room, knocking softly to let him know I was  in the room. He lay in his bed with his hair down on the bed almost touching the floor, his beautiful dark hair. You see, the "old man" appearance is just for publicity so he can maybe look his age. I could see his beauty that lay underneath. Literally, he was laying down either sleeping or wide awake. His scent was sweet, the whole room smelled like various flowers, which I didn't mind despite "Mana" being a man. I was hesitant approaching him, I could feel myself tremble as I grabbed his shoulder and turning his body around. He was asleep looking peaceful as ever. His tan skin shown through the white sheets and the Noah cross' on his forehead looking almost as if burned onto it. He seemed at peace as I gently shook him feeling guilty about it. His eyes slowly opened and he made an effort to sit up. He was shirtless, I soon realized it when he was covering his chest with the sheet and showing his bare back. He looked over towards me tiredly but surprisingly pleased to see me.

"I wasn't expecting you here." He spoke softly, his tone calm and relaxed. "What is it?"

"I....I..uh have something for you." I held up the ribbon as he grabbed it from me quickly, almost like a child towards candy or a present.

No words could find my mouth as I gulped,"I found it....on the floor. It had your scent?" I folded my hands tightly. Anything could set "Mana" off so I had to be careful with my word choice. I stood there looking at the floor almost ashamed of myself for listening to Nea. Long story on how I got the ribbon. Mana looked at the ribbon angrily then back at me.

"What does it do?"

"What does it do?!" I repeated after him shocked. "It puts your hair back, I can help you, if you like." My voice was gentle but I could still hear fear in it.

"Mana" didn't say much but he nodded as I grabbed the brush on the nightstand and got on the bed. I brushed his hair gently (everything had to be gentle with "Mana") before tying it up with the ribbon. Once I kneeled down he got up walking towards a mirror in the corner of the mirror. He messed with his hair looking shocked at his appearance and I covering my mouth. He looked just as he did way back when before all of this. Before Allen Walker was put into existence, before Nea decided to fight the Earl before even my own existence.

"Take it out." "Mana" looked back towards me with tears filling his eyes.

"Mana..." I whispered hoping he couldn't hear me. I got up walking towards him wrapping my arms around and hugging him. I didn't want to let go despite me being in the arms of death, it felt nice, it felt right.

I could hear him cry as I instantly let go and untied the ribbon looking at his dark eyes. I wiped his tears away giving him a small smile. He simply looked at me but pulled me close giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." He whispered as I clinched onto the ribbon. This, him and I, felt right. It feels almost perfect. I need "Mana" and he needs me in order to remember who we were and I believe that this is the greatest opportunity of all time.

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