Chapter 6: The Misread

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I woke up from the dream. I looked around and noticed I was back in the forest with a dead akuma over yonder. So it was just a dream..... I felt the rain pour on my damp skin. I shivered, I wonder how long I've been out here.

I sighed and sat up and looked around the fading sky. The trees swayed in a certain direction as if leading me somewhere. I saw a red headed and a familiar exorcist looking up at me. His body was soaked as much as mine. His headband was on his neck and his hair stuck to his skin.

"Lavi..." I sighed.

"Save it, it's alright now." He have a warm smile despite the fact that we were both freezing cold.

I couldn't speak after that as I started to walk out of the forest with him close behind. We walked in silence, usually Lavi is talking and tell me jokes but he wasn't now. I mean yes I do kind of blame him for leaving me behind without telling me or me voicing my opinion, but still.

The rain had finally stopped pouring down as I could see a town nearby. It seemed cute from a distance but vacant once we neared. The towns people seemed either in hiding or what it seems to be dead. I sniffed the air as I felt pain in my eye.

"There's an akuma near...Junior." I said looking at Lavi who already has his hammer pulled out.

"Way ahead of ya." He gave me a small smile as I drew my blade from my back. I examined the blade real quick, it was a bit torn from that level 3 but it's not completely damaged.

"So about that red eye of yours, is it akuma detected?" Lavi examined my eye.

"It's not, I can sorta sense when an akuma is near know.." I didn't want to mention that I was half Noah again, he seemed to get that. Once we finally entered town, all seemed quiet. It wasn't a peaceful quiet, it was a suspicious quiet. The air was tense as another storm approached. The temperate suddenly dropped as it started to snow. Snow?! Wait this must be the town.
"Ahhh...exorcist..." Lavi and I turned around as human figure stood in the snowy path. Snow was already piling up as if it was snowing for days.

"Look, we know you're an akuma so show your form and we can get this over with." Lavi put his hammer in front of him with a smile of confidence.

"Lavi...I don't this is an..." I stopped and looked at the human walking closer to us. He had long hair tied in a black ponytail. He wore a black suit fit for a ball, not killing. He had his top hat at the side. He had bright gold eyes and grayish skin. Once I saw him my eyes widened.

"Oh look a new exorcist now? More fun for me." The man took his gloves off using his mouth.

"T-Tyki Mikk..." Lavi's voice trembled indicating that this Noah was in the Arc.

"Oh Mr. Eyepatch, how marvelous to see you again." The Noah gave a devilish smile as he did a little bow.

"I see my Akuma failed to kill you both.." Tyki sighed looking quite disappointed.

"Just tell us where the innocence is!" I quickly blurted out annoyed by his stalling.

"Quick to answers I see. Well my dear, it's already been destroyed by yours truly." He opened his palm as glowing green dust sparkled out blending in with the snow. My first mission and it seems I have failed.

"Lavi say something!" I looked at him as he was still trembling. I shook him as he wall back on the ground as I looked to the handsome Noah.

"What the hell did you do?" I usually don't cuss but this seems like those moments.

"Oh nothing of course." His voice just sent chills up my spine. I was 100% done with this crap! This Noah was....just ugh...hard to explain.

I quickly swung my sword and slammed it to the ground and leaned on the handle.

"Tell me something, Noah. You were in the Arc correct?" I was hoping to distract the Noah in order to find an escape of some sort.
"And you got your ass kicked by not only Cross Marian but a 16 year old, correct?"
The Noah was starting to tense up.

"Shut up..." He spat.
"Remind me again...what was that exorcist's name." I could feel a smirk coming on my lips.
"Allen Walker." Tyki Mikk looked at me. His eyes filled with not only anger but pure insanity. I started to laugh and pulled my sword out from the cold ground.
"Now..I'm airborne!" I activated my innocence and quickly charged at him. He grabbed my arm and pulled my closer with my legs dangling from the ground. He held me close to his face, I could feel his warm breath on my skin making me shiver.
"My my..what different colored eyes you have exorcist..something I've never encountered." He cooed looking me from head to toe.
"Tyki...put her down." A new voice was heard. A female voice. A voice I've heard of but couldn't lay my finger on. Tyki and I both turned heads as a girl walked up. Blonde and wavy with silver eyes as cold as ice it seems. Might I add the huge butt scythe on her back.

"As you wish, love." Tyki let go as I fell to the ground only to quickly pick myself back up.

I stood next to the girl who seemed a bit shorter, but she had that look in her eyes. I can't lay my hand on who she was however.

"Lavi what are you doing? Pick your ass up." She shot Lavi a look. Lavi simply rolled his eyes and got up folding his arms.

"My sincere apologies." She bowed but not as respectively as I thought,"you must be the newbie. I'm Shaun Souhait. It's a pleasure." That's when my eyes widened. I knew Shaun because she was with Kanda a lot when I was with Tiedoll. They would pay me visits. Granted Shaun's older than me by like 3 years so I thought she was so cool.

"Kya Thomas." I smiled a bit. "Aren't you known as the Bloody Reaper?!" I looked at her.

"How did you...wait! Skyborn! OMG I thought you were still training with Tiedoll! Holy shit!" She laughed and patted my back making me lunge forward.

I rolled my eyes and then glanced back at Tyki.

"Wait are you two...?" I looked back at Shaun who shook her head.

"It's complicated." She sighed.

"You know he destroyed our innocence!" Lavi butted in.

"And I don't give a fuck. Should've gotten here first ginger."
Lavi pouted and then grinned.
"It's alright Junior. Next mission were tearing it up!" I put my arm around him and smiled.

"Speaking of mission. I came down here to tell you, Kya, that you've been resigned to go on a mission with yours truly." She bowed.

"What about me?! Aren't I important too?!" Lavi exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah, you're to report back to the Order." Shaun shooed him away.

"Bye Junior! Remember! Tearing it up!" I smiled and waved as Lavi left through the descending snow. I couldn't help but feel my stomach drop knowing that I wasn't going to be there with him.

"Oh you soooo like him." Shaun teased behind me.

"Shaun, I just re-met you and you're already making assumptions..." I sighed and looked at Shaun.

She giggled and walked to Tyki and kissed his cheek. Only then did I find those two sucking each others faces, yeah so complicated.

"Goodbye my sweet. Ill see you in a bit." She let go of him and grabbed my arm and dragged me away. Shaun doesn't seem like the lovey-dovey type whatsoever. I mean she's called the Bloody Reaper for heaven's sake! Shes insane, so I've heard...

"So about the mission...whats it about?" I finally said after an hour after leaving the village. Shaun seemed to not be paying any attention which was making me annoyed.
"Oh you know...children in southern France getting taken and never returned. Mostly young girls between ages 14-17. Suspicious eh?" She nudged me.
"I'm 17..." I sighed and looked into her silver eyes. They were so painful as if she was broken inside. I felt bad for Shaun but curious of what she has been through.
"Then we will use you as bait!" She laughed.
"N-no! I'm good! Honest!" I assured her. She laughed and put an arm around me pulling me downwards.
"I'm only messing Skyborn!"
Please tell me when this mission is over, k?

~~~~~~~~~~~ authors note:
So like I asked TheThirdChildOfNoah If it was alright to add Shaun and she said it was fine! But anyways what did you guys think with Shaun in there, because Lavi was just being a coward. Donut worry, he will toughen up and the story will get juicy *rubs hands together evilly*

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