Chapter 7: The Tavern

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About 3 hours later, Shaun and I finally stopped at a small tavern. Located in the middle of absolutely nowhere. As if the French were saying 'aye! This looks like a fantastic place to put a tavern eh?!' I smiled at my own comment before walking in the tavern. I don't know the name saying it was in French and I'm not that fluent. I mean after all I'm from Russia.

"Well this seems...peaceful." Shaun and I looked at the older tavern. A huge fire pit was put in the middle of the room with wooden picnic tables on the side filled with food. Two chairs were at one end and the bar tender at the other. Two rooms with out doors were one opposite sides of each other. I was praying Shaun didn't pick this place to stay the night. There was a lot of iffy people here.

Shaun pulled my arm and lead me to a table as she made me sit down. For a small girl, she sure was pushy. Then again she is the Bloody Reaper.

"What the heck Shaun..." I said quietly.

"Shhh....they'll hear you..." Her voice was hushed in a string whisper. She nudged me towards the direction of two men having an argument. My right eye started to sting a little. God why do they keep coming.

We watched them fight over something before they started to shove each other. The bar tender came over and asked what the problem before getting decked in the face. I slammed my fist on the table and got up as I turned and was about to grab my sword when Shaun stopped me.

" You have a worse temper than I do. I'll handle it." She nodded and walked towards the two fighters. I looked over at the bar tender. Blood ran down his nose as my heart started to beat faster. I kept starring as my eye began to hurt as I quickly covered it. My breath was getting shorter as I looked over at Shaun.

"Now...what seems to be the problem?" She held a guy's wrist in her grip tightening as the guy screamed in pain. Shaun gave a chilling smirk.

"Shaun! Akuma!" I yelled.

"Already ahead of you, Skyborn!" She pulled out her massive scythe and twirled it a few times in the air before slamming it down. She looked over at me as she pulled her hood up hiding her face. I could see what seemed to be glowing red eyes under that hood. I pulled out my own blade.

I stood next to her as she turned towards me,"wait until they're ready." As if on cue, everyone in the bar, xcept the tender turned into level 2 akumas.

"Hide!" I yelled at the bar tender as he jolted up and hid behind his bar.

"Innocence! Activate!" Shaun and I yelled at the same time. we held our weapons in front of us as we smiled to each other.

"Heavens Light!" I said at the same time she said,"Heavens shadow."

"Wait what?! We're complete ooposite! What the hell! Quit copying me!" We said at the same time.

"Show me what you got, Skyborn!' She laughed as she attacked the akuma on her side.

"You're on! Bloody Reaper..." I said before attcking the akuma on my own side. I swung my sword as electricity surfaced the tavern causing shock to the akuma.

I looked at the akuma as my eye started to feel more pain. I covered it as I used one arm to maintain my heavy sword. The akuma attacked me all at once as I held my ground. The akuma were strong for Level 2s.
"Damn! Can't you bastards take a fucking break?!" Shaun yelled as she was succeeding in destroying her akuma. I was so mesmerized by the way she fights, she is like a demon or a goddess or something.
I then turned back to the akuma who were about to shoot as I screamed,"Level 3! Heaven's Star!" I yelled as a ball of light surrounded me sending an explosion of electricity throughout the bar, causing the akuma to explode.
I stood back up letting go of my eye and glanced over at Shaun. Her jaw was like far from her mouth as I laughed.
"Holy shit. That was fucking incredible." She had the biggest grin on her face. Suddenly the ground shook as the whole tavern fell apart. To our luck the walls fell out word and the roof literally went around us.
"How fortunate." I said looking at Shaun before putting my sword up.
"W-what are you people?!" The bar tender said pointing a gun at us.
"Exorcist..." I said calmly. I was hoping that he wouldn't shoot at us.
"Au revoir!" Shaun smiled as she pulled me away as she ran far down the road. I sprinted after her as we eventually stopped. It was a bit colder now that the sun was down.
Shaun started to crack up as she fell down in her knees from laughing.
"Did you see his face?! Oh my god! 'What are you people?'!" She laughed as I gave her a disgusted look.
"What's that look for?" She stopped laughing as she looked at me.
"He was just scared. Don't make fun of someone who just saw what we all witnessed!" I snapped.
I could see her getting angry as well as she stood up and walked up to me.
"I was right. We are complete opposites, after all I am the Bloody Reaper. What do you call yourself then? An angel? A servant of God himself?" She folded her arms.
"Sorry...I-I was just saying...." I put my hand on the back of my head. She looked at me with her eyes as cold as ice. Despite them being a calm shade of silver, I shiver when I look into them.
"Tell me this Kya, why are your eyes different colored?" She continued to look in my eyes.
"I can't tell you." I couldn't tell she's with Tyki and if she realized that I'm a halfbreed Noah then...god knows.
"Fine's only fair saying we just met. What I don't understand is that you knew that those people were akuma. Why is that?"
"All I can tell you is that my eye senses akuma, but I swear it's not an akuma eye because it feels pain when a Noah is around as well." I started to walk away to the direction of the rising moon.
She followed up behind me in silence as we walked down the path. The silence just makes me think of a lot of things I shouldn't need to worry about.
Like who my dad was...they say he's dead but I know for a fact he isn't. my Noah father is out there somewhere or else I wouldn't been able to continue to see the future in my dreams right?
"You have a funny looking thinking face." Shaun said breaking the silence.
"I do not..." I smiled.
"Yes you do! You make the best facial expressions, you know that?! What is it that you're thinking about?"
"I would tell but too many people already know, it deals with my past. Something I'm not comfortable sharing." I folded my arms.
"I won't tell. You need to trust me." She flipped her hood down as her hair blew in the wind.
"Alright, I'll tell..."

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