Chapter 8: The Past

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Shaun gestured me to say my past but I hesitated. I shook my head hoping to get out of this but there was no way I would win against Shaun.
"I'm half Noah...a long time ago when I was about 6 or so, my dad came over unexpectedly. My mom was originally an exorcist at the order but gave up most of her time to care for me. That night my mom was reading me a fascinating story about princesses and knights. It was winter so we were cuddled up by the fire when my dad barged in. My mom instantly got up and pulled her sword out as she pushed me behind her. She said something to my father that included his name but I never remembered it. She kissed me goodbye as she made me run away, far from the house and so I did. I wasn't even to far when I heard her scream in pain. I waited there, for what seemed like an eternity. I walked up to the house finally as my mom laid there, naked and pretty bloody. The hole cottage was destroyed as there was a note by her written in blood with her sword. I picked the note up and shoved it in my pocket but then a man laid his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as he smiled at me and helped me up picking up my mothers sword.
"General Tiedoll took me under his wing from that day foreword, teaching me everything I needed to know basically. I knew how to cope with my innocence instead of letting the Noah side of me out. My eyes are different colors because they represent my Noah side and my exorcist side. The sword I carry with me is my mothers and I cherish it hoping to be as strong as she was.." I looked up at Shaun as she then out her arms around me and brought me forward.
"I guess we are alike then, huh Skyborn?" She said softly.
"I guess so..." I wiped my eyes and gave a weak smile.
"But hey, you're not the only one with daddy issues. One day, I was working at my family's field and my mom turned into an akuma. I took this very scythe and killed her, saving my dad's life in between. He didn't take that well as he literally threw me out on the streets." She petted her scythe as she looked at me with a small smile.
"My dad is a monster, of whom I have no idea who he is. But I'm gonna tell you something I haven't even told Tiedoll about. I am the Noah that predicts the future. I always have dreams, predicting what will happen in the near future. I had a dream the other night with Tyki and before that when I met everyone."
"That's something alright...." She shrugged and but her arm around me as we walked down the path. I couldn't help but smile looking ahead. I guess you can say Shaun and I have gotten close in the past day which I found entertaining. I've never had any real friends, cause Kanda is a dick. Just saying.
"We after all have a mission to complete, am I correct?" I looked at Shaun who just nodded then yawned.
"Y-yeah....but I think it's sleep time."
"Shaun we are no where near anywhere." I sighed as she held her hands up.
"Carry me Skyborn..." she said closing her eyes and fell into my arms.
"S-Shaun?!" I shook her but she was already sound asleep.
You've gotten to be kidding me. How can you be asleep when the world is full of danger?! Shaun Souhait, you owe me so much! This is stupid! Can't you fall asleep some where else? It's because I'm taller than you isn't it?! I'm only about two inches! Ugh! Okay rant over...
I scooped behind Shaun's knees and carried her like a groom would to a bride as I walked down the road. I mean surprisingly she was quite light. I mean I'm not calling her fat, just she's very muscular which gets me jealous.Tiedoll and I haven't done much upper body strength or strength conditioning at all. So I wonder what Shaun's general or generals were...
"You know maybe I should carry her, you seem to be struggling a bit." I heard a voice a few hours later as I spun around.
"Who's there?" Okay maybe that wasn't the best thing to say but oh well.
"Over here, blondie." The voice was quite recognizable. I turned my head and instant glare.
"Tyki?! What are you doing?!" I looked at him with Shaun still in my arms.
"You've out in quite a show in that tavern with must be tired too." He looked at his hands then his golden eyes faced mine.
"W-what are you looking at?!" I could feel my cheeks get warm. He walked up to me but kept looking into my eyes. His hand touched my forehead as he lifted my bangs up.
"I see the mark isn't there yet." He chuckled.
"W-what mark?" I looked at my forehead, well attempted.
"The mark of a Noah. In case you haven't noticed, I know you're a Noah, ever since I laid eyes. I'm still in shock on how a halfbreed Noah can still get Innocence and fight for the exorcist. God surely does work in mysterious ways. " He just kept smiling at me as if he was innocent.
"What?! How did you know?"
"I'm related to him of course. Now hand my Shaun and I'll be on my way." He opened his arms.
"No way! We have a mission to complete!" I turned my back on him.
I could hear him laughing from behind.
"Don't you realize that exorcist already have it? Mr. Kitchen Knife has already retrieved it. The Order must be bad at contacting it's exorcist."
I looked at the sleeping Shaun then turned my head slightly almost facing Tyki.
"How can I trust a Noah?" I said softly.
"I'm in your blood. We are family after all.." He looked at me.
"She's gonna hate me...but I kinda trust you..." I handed her to Tyki as she was still asleep.
"Thank you for your service." He gave a slight bow before disappearing on me using a weird shaped door.
We are family. That little sentence ran through my head like no other. Tyki Mikk, I will probably never understand you and I refuse to get anywhere near you and
I might as well head back to the Order, hopefully I know my way back because one, I have no idea where I am and two, I'm alone.
"Shaun Souhait!I just want you say you owe me big time!" I screamed into the night sky.
I cliched my sword heading back to the Order. The Order better understand my position on this mission cause this is the second one I have failed at.

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