04. How Is He Back?

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(3 Years Later - Present day - 2009)

So it's been three years. We've just finished our freshman year of High School and are about a month into our Sophomore year. Update since then. Ryan doesn't keep in touch anymore. With pretty much any of us. He kept it up for a while, about 5 or 6 months, but then we all just lost contact with him.

I'd gotten my first cellphone for my birthday a few months after he'd left so I gave him my number to make it easier to text and call. He'd text me a lot and call me about once a week at least. Until that turned into every two weeks and then once a month, to every couple of months if I was lucky and then not at all.

I was angry to say the least. He'd told me that he'd never forget me. Yet here we are three years down the line and its like Ryan had never even been here. The guys had gotten onto the football team last year, and in the beginning were slightly down heartened that Ryan wasn't there with them, but a year down the line and having the distraction of cheerleaders all over them, they'd soon forgotten about it and gotten over it.

So I deleted Ryan's number and moved on myself.

Well tried to at least.

Santana, Brittany and I tried out for the Cheerios cheerleading squad, and made the cut. The seniors graduated just before summer break, which meant there was an opening for head cheerio this year. When Sue Sylvester had approached me about the position I jumped at the chance. So you're looking at the new HBIC. Captain of the Cheerios. I was head cheerleader this year. The first sophomore head cheerleader at that.

Finn never stopped with his version of flirting and I still knew he had a crush on me. So when I finally got over the fact that Ryan obviously wasn't coming back anytime soon. I gave him a chance. When we were finishing Freshman year, I went out on a date with him and it wasn't as bad as I thought. He'd actually spoken to me in full sentences and treated me pretty well. So we made it official over the summer. It also didn't hurt that he was a shoe in for Quarterback and I already knew I was head cheerleader. We were the it couple. It was what was supposed to happen that way. Right?

When Finn first kissed me I couldn't help but compare it to my first kiss with Ryan. We were young, I mean we were thirteen, but it felt so much more special than one with Finn at the age of sixteen. I think it was Finn's first kiss, since he asked if he was doing it right constantly. In a hasty decision I had told him that it was my first kiss too to help him feel better. I mean when Ryan said that to me it helped me to feel better. But I felt awful that I had lied to him. My first kiss was with his best friend. His cousin to make matters worse. And he had no idea.

We'd discussed whether we should make it official in school. It makes sense, but a part of me just couldn't decide whether it was a good idea. It was just so cliche. But it could help put us high on the social ladder. It lead to many arguments. Let's just say that. I couldn't help but think that it was all to do with social hierarchy with Finn, did I want to become that type of girl. I mean I wanted popularity too, don't get me wrong, but Finn wasn't even Quarterback yet, he still needed to try out during that first week of Sophomore year. I needed certainty. A reason to date him.

When I agreed to go public in school he was over the moon, until I wanted him to join the celibacy club with me. It seemed like he wanted me to be his personal cheerleader and support everything he did. Including joining the GLEE CLUB of all things! But when I wanted his support that was something he didn't see the need to do.

I remember one of those arguments clearly just last week. We argue a lot like all couples do. But for some reason this one stood out to me.


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