44. So What Happens Now?

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"So you love me?" Quinn said, breaking the silence that fell between the two of us. We'd just been sat kind of letting it sink in what had actually just gone down. We'd moved up to where I had been sat before this all happened.

And I was still kind of in shock that this had happened. If I'm being honest.

But anyway, the tree house had always had a kind of staircase, meaning it was safe for Quinn to be up here. No way would I ever let her climb a ladder while pregnant. Not a chance. We'd been sat here enjoying each others company for a couple minutes now. I smiled at her after she'd said those words.

"I sure do" I said with a smirk back.

"And you didn't think to tell me when I basically poured my heart out to you." She said with a smirk at me. I rolled my eyes. One at the fact she was giving me shit for it. Trust me I'd beaten myself up on more than one occasion since then. But two at the fact that I had just sat there the day she told me her feelings.

"I froze, okay." I said back to her slightly embarrassed, and her smirk got bigger.

"Aw, do I make you speechless, Ry?" Okay so now she's teasing me. I laughed at her. Not giving her an answer, but I guess she got one when I felt my cheeks start to turn red. I knew she's be able to tell I was blushing. Ahhh man!

"So how long have you like me?" She asked suddenly, but she was being coy all of a sudden. I looked up at her again.

Okay so we're really talking about this...

"Uhh... I mean for me... I think I've always liked you, but never realised it or gave it thought back then. I mean we friends..." I paused and she looked like she was hanging on every word I was saying. "But I realised I MIGHT love you um... when you came round that night, after you went to talk to Mrs Schuester about little one." I said. She nodded remembering the night herself. "But I KNEW I loved you when we watched the movie that night, in your room. And you told me to stay." I finished with a shy smile. "Although I'm sure there are quite a few people that would say it was way before that." I laughed. She smiled at me and reached up to run a hand through my hair. I loved that. I leant into her touch.

"What about you?" I asked and she looked down self consciously, taking her hand down from my hair with her. Going silent. "Hey" I said moving a little closer to her, sitting with an arm loosely wrapped around her waist. Her leaning into my chest. "Don't go all shy on me now." I said moving a piece of hair out of her face as she turned shyly to me.

"I think I might have always loved you." She said quietly and I smiled at her shy expression. She's never been this shy with me before. "I just might not have known it back then" She said and then looked up at me. I stared back at her. "I knew I had a crush on you when I was thirteen." She continued. "Like I told you. But then you left. I always thought I was too young for love back then."

"Yeah I remember when you said you were too young for a boyfriend, back then." I said to her and smiled.

"Yeah... I think I said that because I wasn't interested in jus any guy. I was interested in you." She said and reached out to grab my hand, playing with my fingers, I loved the feeling of that. I smiled at her and she smiled that amazing smile back at me.

I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of it. I saw the twinkle in her eye at that action. Noted. "If we're being honest and pouring our hearts out right now to each other. Like the giant saps we are." I said and she laughed and nudged me with her shoulder.

As we've gathered, I'm really not great with these heart to heart things.

"Stop ruining the moment!" She said but was giggling so I knew she wasn't angry at me.

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