41. Always Have A Home.

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I was sat in my room waiting for the moment I heard the garage door close. Letting me know that Ryan was back. Knowing that he knew the song was for him made me happy for all of a few moments. But then I panicked thinking that he didn't feel the same, and then my thoughts spiralled when he asked me to tell him the truth. I didn't know how to respond. If I put all of this out there. And he rejects me. Like I felt he was doing in that moment. Then it's going to be even more awkward between us than it is now, and I don't know if I can handle that.

I know he said I shouldn't settle for second best. But if it means having him in my life, at least as a friend then I'll do it.

When the garage door closed with a slam I knew he was home. It was a door in the house that only Ryan used. No one else used the garage, not even James. That was Ryan's domain. When I heard the basement door slamming I thought that we were back to square one with him still ignoring me. But a few moments later when I heard someone walking up the stairs I froze not understanding what was happening.

Knock, Knock.

I sat up straight on my bed and looked expectantly at the door.

"You can come in" I said almost shyly I didn't even recognise my own voice. Was this going to be awkward? I hope not.

Ryan's head poked around the door and he gave me that small cheeky smile that I love.

"Hey" He said. And I knew we were okay.

"Hey, come in" I said and gestured for him to take a seat on the bed with me.

"You know it feels kind of weird knocking on my old bedroom door" He said walking over to my bed. "And weird being in here, when it looks nothing like it used to." he said looking around. "I love what you've done to the place" He said smirking, no he really didn't. I used my foot to poke him in the leg. I laughed at the face he was making looking around the room in... confusion maybe? I don't know.

He ran a hand through his hair as he looked back at me and then at the floor. I reached out to stop him. Grabbing a hold of his arm and bringing it down from his hair. I reached up and fixed the strands of hair sticking up. Smiling at him fondly.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"I'm not" He said not very convincingly and looking away from me. A sure sign he's lying.

"You are." I said raising my signature eyebrow at him. "You only ever run your hand through your hair when you're nervous or uncomfortable." I said and he knew he was losing this argument. "Why do I make you nervous?" I asked. He looked away for a second and then back at me.

"Quinn. I know that things between us haven't been the best lately. And I feel like a dick for what I did to you earlier in the choir room, forcing you into talking. But maybe this might make it at least slightly better." he said reaching into the pocket of his jacket. I watched on as he pulled out a black box with a baby blue bow on the top. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What was this?

"I know we weren't really talking around the time of Christmas this year, what with everything that happened with your parents and Finn... so I didn't feel right about giving you a gift back then. But I uh, I still got you one... at the time. And I saw this and I thought of you instantly" He said handing me the box.

I looked at it and then at him, he looked nervous so I opened the box to find a charm bracelet inside. It was silver and looked like it had a few little charms on it. It was beautiful. I looked back up at him with another fond smile.

"Ryan..." I started but nothing else came out after that.

"You like it?" He asked almost shyly. I nodded.

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