07. It Was Only A Kiss.

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I woke up the next day completely dreading going to school. Finn hadn't spoken to me all night. I'd left Puck's when I knew it was getting me no where. Puck and Finn had started playing X-Box to help calm Finn down I guess, so I had left with San and Britt. But now on the way into school I feel worse than ever.

We arrived in the parking lot and parked in the cheerios spaces not getting out of the car in a hurry, I think we all thought the same thing.

"You're better off facing it." San said turning the engine off and turning slightly to face me on the backseat where I sat as usual in the mornings on the ride to school "You brought this on yourself. Not only that but if we don't find Ryan before Finn then..." she said and I nodded, knowing I need to warn Ryan that Finn seems to be on the rampage from the events of last night. Events that I purposely caused.

Good one, Quinn.

We got out of the car and shut the doors when we all heard the roar of an engine. I turned to see a motorbike coming into the parking lot. It was all black with shiny chrome accents. It was quite obviously a guy riding it. We all stopped and watched as the person parked and got off the bike. The helmet then revealed Ryan, Both Santana and Brittany turned to look at me in shock. I watched as he placed the helmet in the box compartment on the bike, and looked up around the parking lot.

"Yeah, New York definitely did him some good" Santana said almost in a daze. The girls then made their way over to him, so I had no choice but to follow. As soon as we were in earshot I was greeted to Finn storming out of the building and over to an unsuspecting Ryan fixing his helmet hair in a wing mirror on his bike.

"Oh here he is" Finn said with a forced fake smile. "The man of the moment, my cousin, my so called best friend." He said maliciously. Ryan slowly turned to look at him with a confused smile on his face.

"Finn stop" I said trying to get him to stop before anything happened. Ryan turned and saw that I was stood a few feet away flanked by Santana and Britt at my side.

"What? He's my family, my Cousin, We're blood. But... turns out he's a back stabbing asshole" He said shoving Ryan in the shoulders and he stumbled back a little. Ryan managed to move me to the side and out the way and narrowly missed colliding with his really nice looking bike now that I'm up close to it. It didn't stop him though, he turned regained his balance and stood up straight ready to defend himself if needed.

"Does anyone want to tell me whats going on?" Ryan asked looking between us all. He looked from Finn to Santana and then finally his gaze landed on me raising an eyebrow in question.

"I don't know CUZ." Finn said loudly and Ryan turned to him again. "You tell me, you make a habit of stealing other people's girls?" He asked Ryan with a questioning and accusing glance.

"Wait what?" He asked looking even more confused than before. "Who's girl?"

"I wasn't "your girl" then, Finn." I said looking at Finn and shaking my head at my 'boyfriends' behaviour. I looked at the small crowd that had formed and then back at Ryan self consciously, almost willing him to put the picture together, without having to say it out loud in front of Finn again. I saw him piece it together, he nodded slightly at me and then looked down at the ground feeling uncomfortable.

"Look at that... he's finally on the right page" Finn said looking back at Ryan when Ryan looked back up at him, looking a little ashamed.

"Finn, it was only a kiss." Ryan said trying to defuse his cousin stood looming over him a few feet away.

"So it is true" I heard San say next to me. I turned to glare at her. Did she really not believe me when I'd said all this last night?

"It was a kiss... Okay, Nothing else. How could it have been. We were thirteen, I was moving that week to another state." Ryan tried. But Finn lunged at him and Ryan just about dodged the fist flying towards him.

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