35. Love Is Strange.

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"Quinn did you want to come with us?" Kate asked as they rushed around the kitchen grabbing food and drinks left right and centre. It was Riley's birthday today and tensions and stress levels were high. James had already headed to the car. Riley was taking her sweet time upstairs and Kate was rushing around to organise everything.

After a morning telling Riley she needed to wait for the main presents for when we were at her grandparents house and then her requesting chocolate chip pancakes as a consolation prize of sorts. Kate was overwhelmed and tired to say the least, and it wasn't even eleven o'clock yet.

Bless her.

Kid's are a handful, don't get me wrong I love them. But this was another reason that told me I wasn't ready to raise a child.

"It's fine Kate, honestly I have a few things I need to get done and then I'm happy to make my own way round there." I replied smiling.

"You have the address right?" She asked as she grabbed the last of the food and walked towards the front door where I was standing. I nodded watching her as she flustered around. Juggling Tupperware boxes in her arms. "Riley, Hurry up please, birthday girl" She shouted up the stairs and turned to smile at me. "She's as bad as her brother when it comes to timing. Never on time." She said rolling her eyes.

"He's never changed." I laughed.

"Who's never changed?" Ryan asked coming in through the garage door. I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"You" Kate said with a smile. "Never on time." she scoffed. "Ryan you need to be there at two o'clock, with the cake." She said to him seriously.

"I can be on time!" He scoffed back while wiping his greasy hands on an old rag. I noticed he had some of that grease on his forehead. "I know the plan, I'll grab the cake and head on over" He said.

"Thank you!" She said with a relived smile. "And dont be late. Oh, Ry, would you be able to give Quinn a ride? Maybe you can both go get the cake and meet us there. Then you wouldn't have to walk round on your own Quinn. You know I'd feel better if Ryan was with you" She said almost pleadingly. The Hastings as always being very protective over me. I smiled.

"Kate, I'll be fine.."

"Yeah sure" Ryan said with a shrug before I could finish. "You're not walking round on you own, its like... the next neighbourhood over. No way." He said.

Again. They were all very protective. But none more so than Ryan.

I looked over at him and smiled in appreciation.

"If you insist." I replied.

"Oh, I demand" He said "Something you can relate to Head Cheerio" He said with a wink.

"Ex." I replied.

"Well..." He said pretending to think about it. "You can  take the girl out of cheerleading but can't take the cheerleader out of the girl" He said with a baffled expression on his face the more he spoke. "Oh, You know what I mean" He said giving up on that thought all together.

"That was terrible." I deadpanned.

"I tried okay."

"Dork" I replied. I moved a little closer to him and used my fingers to wipe away the grease mark on his forehead. He leant into my touch on instinct and nothing felt more natural. He smiled down at me.

"You love me" He said with that cheeky smile of his.

He'd been saying that a lot more lately. He just didn't know how true that was. I wish he did...

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