15. Quinn Meet Dani.

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After all the work we put into the invitationals performance, It was safe to say that we were lacking this week. I've been exhausted from all the morning sickness I've been having and the stress of having to hide it from my parents by playing it off of a stomach bug or food poisoning. I was just really tired out. But then, by the looks of it so was everyone else.

"Come on guys, you're sleepwalking on me here" Mr Schue said noticing we were all half heartedly doing the choreography he'd been trying to get us to learn. "Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two weeks..."

"Please, Sectionals is going to be a breeze" Mercedes said.

"Maybe so" He replied.

There were a bunch of yawns happening around the room.

"But if we coast through Sectionals, we're gonna get killed at Regionals." He said looking around at the group. "We have got to be on our game"

Kurt then interrupted giggling at his phone.

"Sorry, funny YouTube" He apologised. "It's the grape stomping one." He replied back.

I looked around the room and noticed Ryan sat on a chair and yawning while on his phone. He was still attached to that thing when ever he had a spare minute. What was always so interesting on that thing? It also reminded me I still don't have his number.

Maybe I could change that.


At the next Glee Club rehearsal. I noticed Finn yawning as well. I frowned. Was everyone tired or something? I'm the pregnant one here and I'm managing perfectly fine. Fine being the key word. but I had this, Cheerios, honor roll classes. Maybe he should try that.

"Okay, split up!" Mr Schue said to the group."Guys on the left side and girls on the right side" He said gesturing to the sides. Nobody moved. "Let's go, come on"

We all reluctantly moved.

"Aright..." He said happily. We weren't too happy. "Kurt" He said catching Kurt trying to join our side and nodded to the other side with the guys. Kurt wondering off to the boys. "Here's the deal, Two teams, boys verses girls. One week from today, you will each perform a mash up of your choice."

"What's a mash up?" Puck asked.

"A mash up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make and even richer explosion of musical expression. Boys will perform on Tuesday, girls the next day. I want you guys to go all out, okay. Costumes, choreography. Whoever wins this competition gets to choose the number that we do for sectionals."

"Wait" Man-hands said from in front of me with a hand in the air. "who's going to be the judge? Your gender makes you biased."

"Ahh" Mr Schue responded "There is going to be a celebrity judge"

"Wh-who" Tina asked

"Oh, you're going to have to show up to find out" He said.

"We've got this in the bag" Mercedes said to all of us.

"Totally" Berry said immediately taking over control of the situation like always. "I'm going to start storyboarding our choreography tonight."

With that us girls all left the room, leaving the boys to do whatever it is they were doing.


I was waiting on the piano stool in the choir room for Ryan to appear. Messing around with the keys in front of me. I know it was stupid but I didn't know how else I was supposed to reach him without his number, so I slipped a note into his locker hoping he got it.

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