11. Forever And A Day.

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"Excuse me, this isn't the right key" We all heard Rachel say as Mr Schue handed around sheet music. This was my first Glee Club meeting and already my first impressions of Rachel were proving to be true. She was a diva. A total one hundred percent diva.

"No thats actually the right key" Mr Schue replied back.

"But this is the Alto part" She said looking slightly baffled.

"Yep" Mr Schue stated plainly "Tina's doing the solo" He said handing Tina a copy of the sheet music.

"I-I'm sorry" Rachel started again "There must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it very clear that anything from West Side Story goes to me." She said and I could tell the whole Glee Club looked appalled by the diva out burst. "Maria is my part. Natalie Wood was a Jew you know. I've had a very deep personal connection since the age of one."

"Well I'm trying to shake things up a bit, get us out of our boxes." Mr Schue tried to reason with the girl. And even I could tell that was never gonna happen.

"You're trying to punish me" Rachel said.

Called it.

"Dramatic much" I muttered to Santana from my seat next to her. She agreed with a smirk and silent laugh.

"I think your being irrational" Mr Schue said.

"I think you're being unfair" Rachel argued back.

"I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might have been happy about getting her first solo" He said moving aside to reveal a happy looking Tina to Rachel.

"Tina knows how much I respect her, and I think she would agree me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria" Rachel finished. Tensions were rising.

"Wait" Mercedes interrupted "I'm a jet?" She asked outraged. And then Rachel stormed out slamming the door behind her.

What have I gotten myself in for?

"The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has." Artie contributed to the awkward room.

"Can I say, I just got here and that had zero impact on me" I said raising a hand. Santana just grabbed my hand and put it down for me telling me to shut up.

"Congratualtions Tina" Mr Schue said with a smile and we all smiled at her. "This is going well."


The next football practice was an interesting one when Finn showed up with Kurt Hummel trailing behind him. Coach was making us run drills, and I was beat.

"This is not difficult gentlemen, lets go!" He said with a stopwatch.

"So are you two an item now or...?" Puck asked as we walked up to Finn. Kurt had run off to the side of the track and left a baffled Finn behind. "He doesn't belong here"

"Yeah man he's gonna get crushed" I said looking at Finn confusedly.

"You joined Acafellas, whats the difference?" Finn asked Puck.

What's Acafellas?

"I'm a stud, dude" Puck said smugly I laughed quietly "I can wear a dress to school, and people think it's cool." He finished.

He wishes.

Then we head the whistle.

"Everybody take a knee" The coach shouted.

"Six games. Our Kicker Mr Langanthal is zero for twelve in field goal attempts. As most of you statistically- minded people know..." He said to the team. "THAT SUCKS!" he shouted in Langanthal's face. "So Mr Langanthal will thus now be in charge of hydration services" He concluded. "The next player that can get a football between those uprights will get his job" He said as Kurt shimmied his way into the circle and tapped Tanaka's shoulder.

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