23. What Am I doing?

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What am I doing?

I'm sat here with Ryan, watching Dirty Dancing of all films. Cuddled up to him on his couch, after he cooked me the best meal I've ever had. I've been kidding myself saying that I don't still feel something for this boy. When everyday I spend with him, just makes me feel things all the more.

I should be doing this with Finn. Mind you Finn would just be playing his xbox, he'd never watch something like this with me. Just another thing that makes him so different to his cousin. But still this is too intimate for it just to be friends, surely.

No I can't think like this.

"Did you ever see this on broadway?" I asked, trying to keep my mind off of it.

"I saw an off broadway one, it was only a small production" He replied. We were watching the part where Baby carries the watermelon and meets Johnny for the first time. I nodded.

"I think you could play a good Johnny" I voiced without thinking it through. Way to take your mind off it Quinn.
Ryan laughed.

"I'm serious" I said sitting up and hitting him on the chest.

"Yeah okay" He said and I huffed and rested my head on his shoulder again. "I'm sorry, but dancing like that... not for me" He said pointing at the TV, as the dancers were all dirty dancing.

"Oh please, You'd love it" I said rolling my eyes. "All guys would" Ryan didn't say anything for a while.

"Not me, I'm not the biggest fan of the whole PDA thing, some things I want to just be private, and I mean they might as well just have sex right there and then" He said quietly and pointing at the screen. I smiled to myself. I always thought that Ryan was different to other guys, but this is the first time I've really believed it. He's a really private guy.

"I was just thinking that you'd pull off the leather jacket, bad boy look" I said changing the subject. "Yet still be kind of loveable, I think you could pull off Danny Zuko too!" I added. I couldn't believe what I'd been saying all night. I mentally slapped myself. "You also have the voice." I added.

"We'll be watching that next knowing you" He said with a huff.

"Shut up!" I said hitting him again "You know this reminds me of a thing we did in the celibacy club. The immaculate affection" I said and I heard a chuckle from him. I turned to look at him in question.

"You were in the celibacy club and now you..." He said nodding down at my stomach.

"Yeah the irony has been pointed out to me many times" I said with a little attitude and he smirked back at me. "Anyway you'd put a balloon between the girl and the guy and if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry." I finished from my place on is chest.

"Right." he responded "And how did that one go?" He asked.

"Mine and Finn's balloon popped" I said and he laughed. "He said it hit his zipper." I exclaimed waiting for him to stop laughing and turning to face him.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that one." He said and I pouted at him. I then started thinking something I wasn't sure that I wanted to know the answer to. I resumed my position on his chest.

"Did you..." I started but couldn't finish. "Have you..." I tried again, still not sure why I was asking. He didn't need to tell me. I had no right to know.

"What?" He asked not pressuring me but I heard his confusion at my unfinished question and my inability to get the words out.

"No you don't have to answer. Its stupid" I said not wanting to look up at him.

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