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So last week was eventful. To say the least.

And I'm well aware that I'm running from my problems again. I just don't know what to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what she wants me to do.

I know the whole club thinks that her song was for Puck, including Puck himself. But I know that song was for me. What I don't know is what do I do now?

I spent most of the weekend completely avoiding Quinn. I know it's petty and childish and I just need to face up to things, but how?

So I do what Ryan Hastings seems to do well and I run. I hide. I do everything I can to avoid a situation.

So when Glee came around on the Monday, I hadn't even seen Quinn all weekend. I'd been out with Brooke, who I'm convinced knows something is up. I worked at Burt's a few extra hours on the Saturday and then spent the day Sunday with Finn playing basketball with Dad and then gaming it in the basement on X-box. And I knew Quinn wouldn't dare to come down there, what with everything that has happened between them two.

And now here I am getting glares from Miss Quinn fabray from across the choir room, while Mr Schue fills us in on this week.

"Um, Alright... I have one final announcement" Mr Schue said pulling up a stool at the end of Glee Club before we all leave. "We can't use the auditorium for the next week."

The group all looked less than pleased.

That was the one place I could actually find some peace and quiet in. That was the place I went to to calm down. To get a clear head. To sing, to write. To just relax, and in the time I actually need that... I now can't go there? What?

"But that's garbage, how are we supposed to practice for Regionals without the auditorium?" Finn said looking just as outraged.

He has a point too.

"The cheerios need it to practice in" Mr Schue said back looking like we all felt. "There's nothing I can do."

"I recommend a sit-in" Rachel said standing up.

"I recommend we torch the place" Puck said.

Idiot. I rolled my eyes at him and his stupid idea.

"No. Look, we've all faced adversity before, and we've come out stronger on the other end." Mr Schue said "I'm gonna check out a few off-site locations for us to use, just for the week. I'll promise I'll find us a new home."

The bell rang and everyone got up ready to leave for other after school activities. Even Brad and Mr Schue had walked out before the rest of us. Not hanging around for anyone.

I turned to grab my bag, putting it on my shoulder, Brooke was out sick today so I was on my own. I was going to see if she was okay after practice. But I'd been texting her all morning. I checked my phone in case she had texted me during that meeting.

I could hear Finn talking to a newly cheerio uniform clad Kurt over by the piano about decorating his room or something and then they both walked out separately. Wonder what that was about.

That's when from behind me I heard a familiar voice before I could even begin to leave. I pocketed my phone again and paused listening to her.

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