12. Preggers.

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"Sup MILF"

Was what I was greeted to the next day by Puck. After last night and speaking with Ryan and him saying he would be there for me and the baby. I almost forgot about the looming reality of the situation. Until those words were uttered at me by an asshole like Noah Puckerman. I walked through the halls almost on autopilot. Nothing felt real, but it all soon came crashing down when that idiot fell into step with me.

"Leave me alone" I replied and tried to carry on walking like he'd said nothing.

"Who's the daddy?" He asked still following me.

I didn't reply.

"I just think it's kind of weird if it's Finn. Since you told me you were a virgin when we did it. And I know for a fact that you didn't do it with him."

"How can you be so sure?" I said back to him. I really didn't need this today.

"Finn's my boy. He would have told me" He said.

"You make a habit of sleeping with your boys girlfriends?" I asked in full on HBIC mode now. Then walking off hoping that was the end of the conversation.

"Well call the Vatican, We got ourselves another immaculate conception" He then shouts for the whole corridor to hear. I walked back and grabbed him, pulling him around the corner and out of earshot of everyone into an empty hallway.

"I'd take care of it, you know" Puck said adjusting his shirt back to the right place after my grip was no longer holding it. "You too" Was I supposed to believe him. "My Dad's a deadbeat, but I don't roll that way." He concluded.

"Weren't you fired for peeing in the fast-food fryolater?" I asked.

"I've got my pool cleaning business." He said like that meant anything.

"We live in Ohio" I said back "I had sex with you, because you got me drunk on wine coolers and I felt fat that day. But it was a mistake. You're a lima loser and you're always going to be a lima loser." I said and I ran off down the hall. Leaving Puck behind. I really just needed to be on my own right now.


I ran out to my car and managed to hold back the tears up until I grabbed the door handle. It was raining as well. How ironic. I sat in the drivers seat and braced myself on the steering wheel as the tears finally fell.

"How many weeks are you?" I then heard from beside me. What the hell. I turned and immediately freaked out. Why was there a lady in my car?

"From the looks of it, I'd say no more than five or six. I assume you haven't told your parents yet. How could you? After Daddy bought you this car so you could drive to the chastity ball"

Who does this woman think she is? And how does she know that?

"You can't raise this baby Quinn" she said out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked a little outraged.

"I'm just somebody who wants to help." She said back, still not telling me who the hell she was.

"I don't need your help. Get the hell out of my car!" I shouted back.


Was she ever going to leave?

"What kind of prenatal vitamins are you taking?" She asked and I just stared blankly back at her with my jaw dropped. Again who does she think she is?

"Yeah" She said and then reached into her purse. "Here, three times a day or your baby will be ugly."

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