51. Funk.

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"Jesse?" Rachel said with an air of hurt when we gathered in the auditorium faced with Vocal Adrenaline taking over our stage. I feel like we could have all seen this coming. "What are you doing there with them?" She asked.

Was it not obvious?

"I've transferred back to Carmel High, Rachel" He said as if it wasn't tearing the girl apart. What an asshole. I mean I'm not the biggest fan of Rachel myself. And granted I've given her quite the hard time in the past, but I mean the poor girl has literally gone through it all in the last two weeks. What with the whole drama surrounding her finding her birth mother. And now her so called boyfriend has jumped ship back to her sworn enemies.

The girl had it rough. I'll give her that.

"I'm sorry that it's come to this, but you guys were awful to me." He said raising his voice slightly."You never accepted me, you never listened to my clearly superior ideas."

"Yeah right St Jackass" Ryan shouted just loud enough for the other show choir to hear him. I turned to look at Ryan's face and he looked far from pleased with all of this. Similar to Finn for that matter who was the next to voice his question.

"Why are you here in our auditorium?" He asked.

"The blogs and chat rooms say that we're finished, and that you guys are ripe to topple us." Jesse began to explain "We just wanted to show you a little something that we came up with a few days ago" He said with his arms crossed. "To see if you agree with that assessment."

"Bring it St Douchebag" Ryan mumbled so the club could only hear. I laughed a little too.Turning to still see that scowl on his face.

Which only seemed to intensify throughout the performance of 'Another One Bites The Dust' that Vocal Adrenaline decided to grace us with. Rock was Ryan's thing and I dont think he appreciated listening to it coming from that ass holes mouth.

The whole club were watching with crossed arms and frowns throughout the performance. I sidled up to Ryan and placed a comforting hand on his arm, as the song came to a close. He looked at me and I saw the calming affect it had had, but there was still some hostility for the club currently taking up our stage as if it were their own.

"Thanks for letting us borrow your auditorium, guys" The girl dancing with Jesse said while literally hanging off the guy. I rolled my eyes at her. "It's quaint"

Rachel looked like she was staring daggers at Jesse. Before the guy turned to her and sighed. Her look was then replaced with pure hurt as the two stared at each other in a silent conversation almost.

Tensions were high as the guy then followed the rest of his club off stage and out the auditorium at last.


"Its a Carmel High tradition. They psych out the competition a few weeks before the big show." Artie said as the whole club made our way back to the choir room. "They call it a funkification. Meaning they show us what they've got, and we spiral into a deep black funk." He said dejectedly.

"Yeah. Yeah, we used to do the same thing to other football teams" Finn added, looking around at the guys of the football team. "You know, try and get inside their head before a big game, pull little pranks to intimidate them."

"Yeah, well the difference was our football team sucked." Puck said looking bothered by all of this too surprisingly. "Those guys are golden."

"Come on, Keep your heads up, guys" Kurt tried to encourage. "Its gonna take more than that to..." He paused as we all came face to face with a TP'd choir room. "...Get us into a funk." He finished while looking around the room.

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