38. You Got Me, Quinn Fabray.

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That night at home was a weird one. I just couldn't stop thinking and then over thinking things and it was like I couldn't get a break from it all. I'd been ignoring Brooke's calls which I know is a dick move but I just need some space. I needed some time to think and breath for a moment.

Which led to me hiding myself away in my basement all evening.

"So how's you and the girlfriend dude?" I was brought out of my quiet state by one of my friends on Skype. It actually made a change that he was on one of these things.

"Yeah man, she's cool. We're cool... I think. She's..."

"Not the one" I heard in the distinct voice of Dani. She'd said it so quietly I second guessed myself that I'd actually heard it. But she'd said it.

Never misses a beat, that one.

"Can we not right now... Dan" I said impatiently. I really didn't need this. Not now, of all times. Not after my new revelations.

"What? I keep telling you this." She said with a disinterested tone. She had been telling me this. For weeks now. "What? You worried she's going to hear now that she lives with you" She replied back in the same mocking tone as before.

"Wait, I'm sorry... living with you?" Jordan asked looking scandalised by it all.

"Yeah its a long story, Bro" I replied.

"One that you'd know about if you were ever free for these things" Dani aimed at Jordan.

Jordan Sanchez the other third of our little trio. I've been speaking to him every now and then but he's barely ever around when Dani and I would chat on Skype so this was a rarity for him. Him and Dani were friends before I got to the school in New York. But we all instantly clicked when we met. And the rest is history.

"Anyway dude, she lives with you now?" He asked.

"Yeah and as I said it's a long..."

"Ry" I heard the one voice I didn't need to hear right now shouting down the stairs. The timing couldn't have been more off. Or perfect if the aim was to mess with me more. My friends on the screen froze too. Dani already knowing who that voice belonged to and Jordan wondering who it was. I closed my eyes and shook my head at the timing of it all.

"Ry?" She shouted again. More unsure since I didn't answer the first time.

"Yeah" I replied back finally.

"Riley's in bed... so do you..." she paused "...can I come down so I can stop shouting" She asked nicely.

I looked back at the screen and saw Dani nodding and Jordan looking intrigued as ever.

"I mean... yeah..." I started and then heard her footsteps coming down the stairs. "I'm just on a call with Dan and Jordan" I finished as she came to the bottom of the stairs with a smile on her face, looking over at me. I was sat on my bed that faced the stairs so the only thing she saw was me sat with my laptop open in front of me.

That also meant my friends on screen hadn't seen her yet.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me? You're parents went to bed." She asked with a smile. "But if you're busy..." She said about to walk up the stairs again.

"Quinn, get your sweet ass over here" Was then shouted from my laptop.

Thanks Dan.

"You've been summoned" I said with a smirk at Quinn and a glare at the screen for Dani, as Quinn reluctantly walked over to me sat on my bed.

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