18. It's A Girl.

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You know sitting here and watching Mr Schue and Coach Sue go at each others throats isn't really the way I want to be spending my time after school. In fact I have no time for this at all. This week had been the week from hell. Okay well, maybe not that bad. I might have exaggerated a bit but... It's still not been the best week. For anyone.

I look around at all my fellow team mates and they seem to be thinking the same thing. Maybe I need to start from the beginning...

So last week we were told that Coach Sue Sylvester was now our co-director and that went down like a lead balloon. Apart from Santana and Brittany who seemed to be ecstatic. Which confused me because Quinn looked far from pleased at the presence of her coach. When the new week came round and the news still hadn't really sunk in, we were all looking a little broken.

We gathered in the choir room with Mr Schue who despite everything was still trying to keep us in high spirits what with sectionals right around the corner.

"As we head into sectionals, I want to get some feedback, Like what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing. Is there any music in particular, that you guys want to do?" He asked the room.

"We could try something a little more... black?" Mercedes asked.

"I agree" Kurt supported his friend. " We do an awful lot of show tunes." He said and Rachel looked well and truly offended.

"It's Glee Club. Not Krunk Club" She said looking pointedly at Mercedes.

"Don't make me take you to the carpet" Mercedes shot back.

Here we go again with these two self proclaimed divas at each other throats.

"Fantastic" Mr Schue interrupted them "Thank you Mercedes, Kurt. Duly noted. Anything else?"

"I can pop and lock" Mike piped up in the corner. He was a lot like me and we both were the quietest in glee, so I think he shocked a few people when he spoke up for once.

"Not really what we're going for, Mike but... noted" Mr Schue said. "Noted. Yes" He said nodding his head.

I wanted to ask for more Rock and then alternatively acoustic. But something about this week just had me not wanting anything to do with anything. I just wanted to keep to myself.


I was stood at my locker and as always these days, was looking at my phone, scrolling through Facebook. I'd signed up for it before leaving New York so I could catch up with everything I was missing out on out there. Oh no wait. It was supposed to be for keeping in contact with friends but it just feels like I'm missing out on everything.

This week more than ever was proving to be a little hard. It was Dani's birthday on Saturday, Which if I were back in New York would be a chance to let loose and have a party for her. But nope. Not this year with me being stuck in Lima, Freaking Ohio. Neck deep in all the drama you can find.

I just feel so lost here. I don't know how to be me. All my old friends remember Ryan, the thirteen year old kid, and I'm not him anymore. Three years makes a difference. The only people I truly feel comfortable being myself around are Finn since he's family and Quinn. With her, it's like we've just picked up where we left off when it comes to our friendship. But even they don't know me to the extent my NYC friends do.

It was times like these that angered me about leaving. I was once annoyed at leaving here for New York and now it seems as if the tables have turned. I just feel so frustrated. All the time. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that I get to be with the people I grew up again, but times have changed for all of us. We're not as close as we used to be. I can see that when it comes to Quinn and Santana. They used to all be close. But now It seems like Santana is more interested in being with Brittany all the time, and Quinn is clinging so desperately onto Finn, with Rachel hanging around in the background. Puck only seems to care about football and girls. And Finn.... Finn's worried about becoming a dad, which is understandable.

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