16. Touche Fabray.

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"Mom and Daddy should be back in a bit." Quinn said as we entered the house. The second time I'd been back here since my return to Lima. I hadn't seen her parents last time, as I left before anyone was back. I was nervous. Quinns parents had never been the easiest people to get along with. They like to keep up appearances and everything is about image. Well at least it is with Russel. Judy is a little more laid back but seems to follow what Russel wants. Its totally opposite to my parents.

Quinn said when we were kids that she liked being at my house and around my parents because they are polar opposites and I'm guessing from what she said last time she came over to mine that things haven't really changed. Apart from Frannie going off to college and Quinn being the only one here now.

"We can go up to my room for a bit" She said not leaving me any choice but to follow as she bounced up the stairs. When we reached her room she was busy tidying away her school things and leaving her notebooks on her desk. I stood awkwardly in the doorway just watching her float around the room.

"You can come in, you know" She said with a smirk watching me just stand there, at a loss of what to do.

"Yeah, but you said you're parents will be back... I mean your Dad..."

"Ry, My dad won't do anything to you, last I checked he loved you like the son he never had." She said flippantly.

"But that was three years ago. I'm not the same boy I was back then" I reasoned.

"All the more reason I want to get to know you again" She said with a smile and walked over to her dresser to take out a change of clothes. I still remained where I was standing in the doorway. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and then I want some insight to my best friend" She said and she squeezed passed me and out the door, down the hall to her bathroom.

"And go sit on the bed, Idiot." She said shoving me in the direction of her bed. I smiled to myself and reluctantly and still awkwardly took a seat on the edge of her bed. The side I was on the last time I'd been here, I took it as the other side was hers.

I looked around the room while she was in the bathroom and noticed the windowsill full of Cheerios trophies and awards. So she was good at what she did. The desk neatly organised with stationary and a neat stack of notebooks from school. A bookshelf full of classics. I noticed a copy of Alice In Wonderland I had bought her for her thirteenth birthday before I left. I smiled. She still had it? It was her favourite book growing up, Her mom would read it to her and Frannie before bed. She had so many different copies of it.

I looked at other things on the shelf as well and saw a row of photographs. There was a photo of her, Frannie and their parents. One of an older woman I knew as Quinns grandmother that she's always been close to growing up. She'd spend lots of time there when he parents had to be at important events. There was a photo of her and Santana and Brittany in their cheerleading uniforms and one of the original gang from back in the day. I smiled at the fact that she still had that on display.

I then moved a photo frame out from behind that one. It was in reaching distance so I didn't have to stand from the bed, and was shocked to see what was framed in that one. It was a photo that Santana had taken ages ago of the two of us. I had completely forgotten about it until then. But seeing the photo right now, all the memories of that night came flooding back immediately.

"Thats one of my favourites" I heard from behind me. I turned to see that Quinn had returned from her shower, and was now freshly changed. No make up, hair still wet and she still looked so beautiful. I turned and looked at the photo before speaking.

"I'd completely forgotten this night until I saw this" I admitted. I felt her move closer, sitting next to me on the bed to look at the photo over my shoulder.

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