1. I think my Brother just traveled to Another Universe

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1 year later

Anna jolted awake when she felt the train stop, and the recorded message say "Last Stop, Central City."

She rushed out of the doors and ran up the stairs, looking down at her watch. 11:36 AM

"Damit." She cursed, running towards a taxi. "Star Labs please." She asked and hopped into the back. She watched the city streaks zoom by as they finally reached STAR Labratory's. She took the elevator upwards and bumped into a brown haired girl, making her drop all the papers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is a restricted area." She mumbled, picking up the papers she dropped. Anna crouched down and helped her pick up the papers.

"Actually, I'm looking for Barry Allen." She said, handing her the last paper. "I'm Anna, his sister. I'm gonna guess that you're Caitlin Snow." She continued, holding out a hand to shake. Just then Barry walked down the hallway towards her.

"Hey, did you tell me about this meeting or?" Barry said casually.

"No stupid, your about to travel off-world. I'm here to see that happen." She rolled her eyes, walking past the doctor to hug her brother.

"God, you are quite annoying." Barry snorted as he hugged her back.

Once everyone was in the room, (With Anna, even though Cisco and Caitlin disagreed) Barry moved forwards with Jay.

"All right. All right, Barry, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, and good luck." Jay sighed.

"Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach." Barry said with multiple disagrees, but Anna was mainly focused on how it worked. She moved closer to the machine. Harry, Barry, and Cisco moved closer to the machine.

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the three of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry, you need to make sure you keep your speed up." Jax explained. Cisco muttered something. Anna moved next to Caitlin and watched as a blue portal appeared, and the 3 jumped in. When the portal closed, multiple electricity strikes came from the machine. Anna immediatly absorbed them, causing her to almost fall to the floor. She felt a rush of energy. One of the rings started to fall onto Caitlin, but Anna used her telekinisis, something she said she would never do again. She grunted as her mind battled the weight.

"Dr Snow..I suggest..you...move!" She gritted through her teeth as Caitlin finally moved, and she released the ring, causing it to fall to the floor.

"What happened?" Joe moved forwards while holding up Anna.

"With the rest of the breaches closed, the energy surge to this last remaining breach must have destabilized it." Jay explained, and Joe and Anna gave him a confused look.

"Well, what does that mean?" Joe questioned.

"As long as it's unstable Barry and Cisco will be trapped over there."

Anna sighed as she paced the outside halls. It had been multiple hours since they had left for earth-2 and Anna had been freaking out the whole time.

"How's it going?" Anna asked as she walked into the room with Joe.

"Uh, slow, which is not a good adjective when it comes to a speed cannon." Jay explained as he handed Caitlin another wrench.

"We have another problem." Joe sighed. Caitlin looked up and asked "Why do we always have to have another problem?" Anna couldn't help but chuckle. Joe showed them a video on a tv screen in the main room.

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