47. Key Shards

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"So last night, Harry, Cisco, and I were up all night writing all the different algorithms we could think of involving the satellite tech that DeVoe stole." Caitlin explained in the cortex.

"We think DeVoe plans to position each of his five satellites at specifically calculated points around the globe." Cisco added.

"And when the quantum computers in each satellite link up..."

"He'll use that network to basically emit a series of dark matter bursts."

"That will reboot the pre-frontal cortex of every man, woman, and child on this Earth."

"Well, we need to nip this in the bud. We can't let him launch those satellites." Joe said.

"Yeah, but I mean, how are we supposed to find him? I mean, we haven't been able to register DeVoe's pocket dimension energy for days." Iris sighed.

"And with Null's gravitational powers, he can launch these satellites from any place at any time."

"Yeah, he can." Barry whispered.

"What are you thinking, Bar?" Joe questioned.

"We shoot him down." Anna said for him. "What?" She said when they gave her a weird look.

"There is one small problem. DeVoe has Kilgore's powers." Iris said.

"Yeah, he can manipulate any tech-based weapon we fire at him."

"So we don't use tech. We use some kind of organic matter weapon." Barry suggested. Anna leaned her face against her chin in amusement.

"Right, like a...Like a..." Harry stammered.

"You know what? Let's split up, see what we can find." Iris said. Anna got up from her chair, walking to the Speed Lab quickly, doing what was basiclly her favorite past time now.

Speeding around.

And around.

For hours at a time.

That was until Caitlin called the team into the cortex.

"We've been attacking this from the wrong direction. We know we need a tech-free projectile to stop DeVoe's satellites, so we've been looking for an object when what we really need is a person." Caitlin explained. "Amunet."

"Amunet Black?" Joe asked.

"I know she's not the ideal choice, but Amunet's psychic-powered alnico shards are not only deadly powerful. They're completely immune to DeVoe's Kilgore powers."

"Not ideal? I mean, she kidnapped you and Anna. She tried to sell me into meta slavery." Barry snarled.

"And she ruined my bachelorette party, I mean..." Iris paused. "I mean, you're right. It's... it's admittedly not as big of a deal, but you know what I'm saying."

"Yeah, we can't partner up with Amunet. She's a criminal." Joe accused.

Caitlin stood from where she was leaning on the computer. "Snart's a criminal. So's Killer Frost. We worked with them."

"Look, even if we forgave Amunet for everything she's done..."

"Which is a lot." Iris added.

Barry continued. "What makes you say she'd be willing to help us?"

"I've seen a different side of her. She's helped me before, and I believe she'll do it again." Caitlin assured.

"If Caitlin trusts her, I do too." Anna leaned on the wall.

"Then lets get to it."

Barry and Anna sped into a dimly lit room, wearing their suits and hanging onto Caitlin.

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