12. Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

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Anna yawned as she finally arrived back at her house after being with Caitlin.

"Anna. Robbery. Across from that super fancy resturant." Cisco said through the comm she wore all the time. She sped there, seeing Barry go there in his flash suit, and waved him off.

"Don't you have a date?" She said after tying the robbers up.

"Yeah, see ya."

Suddenly, Anna got a text from Cisco

Star Labs now please. Bring Caitlin.

Anna sped back to Star Labs, grabbing Caitlin on the way there. She stopped at the speed canon, where Joe and Cisco were, pointing their guns at a breach.

"What the.." Caitlin mumbled out of her drowzyness.

'Sorry." Anna said. "You opened a breach?" Anna asked as Barry and Iris rushed in.

"I didn't."

"What?" "

"That's why we called you."

"Well, can you close it?"

Once again, wouldn't have called if I could." Cisco said sarcasticly.

"Somebody's coming through." Wally pointed as Wells jumped out of the portal.

"I need your help." Harry put his hands up.

"With what?" Anna questioned right before a flash of yellow passed them, circling the portal multiple times before stopping.

"With that." Harry motioned to Jesse.

"Jesse. You're a speedster?" Wally asked in shock.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool, right?"

"When did this happen?" Caitlin asked.

"A few days ago. So, when I got Allen his speed back, Wally and Jesse were hit with the dark matter. Turns out she was affected. She was totally affected."

"But I didn't get speed, so could it have been from something else?" Wally questioned.

"No... I mean, I doubt it. Dark matter affects different people in different ways at different times... Sometimes not at all, so be thankful, but she was affected, and I want to run some tests and find out just how much."

"Well, then, you've come to the right place. Let's go to the Speed Lab."

"Speed Lab?"

Soon, Wells figured out Barry had traveled back in time and changed something as they entered the speed lab.

"Okay, let's just get Jesse on the track and see what she can do."

"Yeah, let's do it."

"All right. Check this out." Jesse took off her jacket

"Damn. She really can move." Joe commented as Anna watched Jesse move almost faster than herself.

"Yeah, she can. Um... I got to go." Wally moved out of the room.

"Wally. Oh, man. I'll talk to him." Iris called after him.

Anna nudged Caitlin's shoulder. "Sorry about waking you."

"It's fine."

"How about I make it up to you?" Anna faced the doctor. Caitlin tilted her head.

"Tommorow. Whenever, Wherever. Just text me the details." Anna grabbed onto Caitlins hands.

"So, how'd I do?" Jesse asked after running around the next day.

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