36. Murderer

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Anna shifted on her feet, her brother standing in the cortex with the team after the news that DeVoe had took Dominic's body and framed Barry of murdering him with his old body.

"This is exactly what DeVoe wanted. I mean, we all played right into his plan, especially me."

"Why would DeVoe want to orchestrate all of this?" Iris questioned.

"I don't know, but we know that this started when I was still in the Speed Force."

"Dominic's power must have allowed DeVoe to inhabit his body. We should've been on top of this earlier." Wells suggested.

"What about the other metas on the bus? Why create them?" Caitlin questioned.

"Part of a larger plan?"

"How are you even here right now, Allen? Aren't you on house arrest?" Ralph questioned.

"Yeah, well... He's at Joe's, actually. Either that or the courthouse. I managed to hack into the ankle monitor GPS." Cisco explained.

"That's not the only thing Cisco hacked. When you came out of the Speed Force, you were talking gibberish at CCPD. You said something about not wanting to kill anyone."

"I digitally scrubbed a video. Last thing we want is somebody hearing something we don't want them to hear." Cisco pulled it up on the screen.

"Your Honor, I'm innocent. I didn't do this. I didn't kill anyone." Barry pleaded on the video.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't remember saying any of that." Barry admitted.

"We should look at everything else he said when he first came out of the Speed Force. Might give us a clue." Wells suggested.

"That's a good idea."

"Okay, guys, but remember, I mean, considering all the evidence they have against me, this trial is not even gonna last very long." Barry reminded.

"Okay, but with Cecile taking a leave of absence to represent you, you got the best lawyer in town."

"Yeah, I mean, even if they did find you guilty, it's not like any prison can hold you." Cisco added.

"Well, I'm not gonna run. I won't be a fugitive. If I'm convicted, I have to go to prison." Barry insisted.

"It will not happen." Anna sighed.

"Right. Let's get to work."

A man paced back in forth in front of the judge. "Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the jury, if you don't understand what it is I'm about to tell you today, you need to do something. I need you to believe in the impossible. As children, we're taught that the police are there to protect us, to serve. We're told that our tax dollars go toward training them to be the champions of the city. But for some of us, it still seems impossible that a police investigator, one of Central City's finest, could betray that trust. And even worse, under the guise of upholding the law to commit the most heinous act that one person can carry out against another. But that is exactly what Barry Allen did." Anna shifted in her seat, grabbing onto Caitlin's hand.

He continued. "Now, the prosecution will prove beyond any doubt that he stood among us a wolf in sheep's clothing. But here's the thing. Barry Allen wears a mask, used his connection to the law, his experience as a police investigator, especially as a crime scene technician, to stalk a beloved professor and husband and murder Clifford DeVoe in cold blood." He stared right at Barry.

He held up a paper. "Ladies and gentleman, the document in my hand, it's a court-issued restraining order. It's issued to Marlize DeVoe, the wife of the victim, on behalf of her husband against a Mr. Bartholomew Henry Allen. Now if you'd like a better look, I have a bigger copy. And if you'll allow me to call out what's written underneath reason for order issue, harassment. The defendant was seen just days earlier, illegally breaking and entering into the victim's house, searching through the victim's effects. A man obsessed." The man continued on, more and more.

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