"As a kid there was a part of the Flash Museum that always scared me. I guess it's normal for children to be afraid of monsters. But this monster was different. No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victim's hear. But that's not what makes him scary. What makes him scary is... you never catch him." Nora explained.
"We never catch him?"
"Supergirl, The Legends, even The League tried, but no one was successful." Nora added.
"Probably 'cause he can dampen everybody's powers with that magic friggin' dagger." Ralph cursed.
"Not all superpowers are meta-humans though. What about..." Caitlin started.
"Green Arrow? Yeah, he tried too once, but..."
"So we're dealing with a meta-human Jack the Ripper. Amazing." Cisco started.
"What else do you know about him?"
"Just that he... he's early." Nora said softly.
"What do you mean he's early?" Barry asked.
"In my history, Cicada's first victim was a meta-human named Floyd Belkin. And he never killed Gridlock or Block. They're completely different victims." Nora said.
"Because the timeline changed."
"Yeah, and now they're both dead... because of me." Nora said sadly.
"Okay, there's no telling the ripple effect of this change or what kind of future Nora's gonna return to. We gotta catch this guy fast." Barry said.
"You mean catch the guy that future us can't catch? Right, I thought beating The Thinker was hard." Cisco whispered.
"Guys, it's Joe. CCPD needs help downtown." Caitlin said. Barry started to go, but Ralph stopped him.
"No, I'll... I'll do it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I got it. You guys stay here and deal with the meta serial killer." Ralph walked out quicker than usual.
"Okay, guys, look, we got this. Let's just canvass some crime scenes, interview some witnesses, and see if there's any common acquaintances between Gridlock and Block." Iris said.
"I have a plan." Nora muttered.
"You... you've got a plan already?"
"I know how to fix this." Nora assured.
Barry and Iris whispered to each other as Sherlouqe made a cup of tea. "Mmm. That's the stuff. And now we can begin."
"Tea?" Caitlin asked.
"That's right."
"We've been watching you for 20 minutes."
"You're welcome. Cannot rush excellence." Sherlouqe added.
"This is a waste of time. Thank you very much for coming, Cumberbatch." Cisco said.
"I'm sure you would like it if I took my leave, right? Could have more time to recover from your recent heartbreak." Sherlouqe noted.
"What are you talking about?"
"Subcutaneous under-eye bruising, which indicates you've been crying. Flaky skin, which indicates dehydration, probably from alcohol consumption. Alcohol plus crying can only mean one thing. You have been dumped."
"Wrong, detective. I have not been dumped. It was a mutual decision, okay? Cynthia and I, we reached a decision together as a team. Okay, and I haven't been sobbing. In fact, I can't remember the last time I cried about it. Excuse me." Cisco left the room, voice breaking.

𝐉𝐎𝐋𝐓 - caitlin snow
Fanfiction"Shake Faster." "What?" "He means phase, you dork." "I am not a dork!" OR In which Anna Allen joins team Flash and in the process, becomes a superhero and falls in love. [OFC x Caitlin Snow] [Season 2-?]