41. I Hate Atomic Bombs

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Cisco collapsed in the seat next to Anna.


"Barry." Cisco agreed.

"He won't take a break. He's gonna kill himself with training." Anna noted as Harry rushed in with Caitlin.

"Allen. West-Allen. Cortex. Now." Harry yelled into the speakers.

"What now?" Anna threw her hands up.

"What is this?" Barry questioned as the team gathered around the computers.

"This is a signature field, mapping every time DeVoe's gone in and out of his layer in the pocket dimension."

"All of these?"

"All of them."

"So, how did you do this?"

"I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did."

"But all I did was just come up with a really complex and eloquent algorithm to track the warping signatures." Cisco said as Harry started to argue with him.

"Do you know that these are DeVoe?"

"These are DeVoe, all right? This is when Marlize grabbed him from Izzy at Lawrence Hills. This is when he showed up at Iron Heights prison." Harry listed.

"This is DeVoe's house."

"And this is the alleyway in the city center, where he abducted you." Iris motioned to Barry.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, wait for it. The past three years." Cisco said.

"DeVoe orchestrated everything to get the people he wanted on the bus." Caitlin explained. "He's been planning this a long time."

"We got a planner, just like Thawne." Cisco muttered.

"So, how do we use this?"

"All we can do right now is just wait for the next marker to appear, try to get the jump on him. That and keep an eye on Ralph, using the old buddy system." Cisco sighed.

"Has anyone seen Ralph today?" Barry questioned.

"No, he's downstairs, moving in. He's very nervous."

"I don't know why."

"I don't know why either. He's a superhero. People with powers are ready for anything." Cisco said before screaming. "Ah! Son of a breach!"

"Sorry..." Jesse trailed off as she entered the cortex. "I just came in through the breach room."

"Hey, Jesse, welcome back. What are you... What are you doing here?" Caitlin questioned as Jesse held something up. All of them looked at Harry.

Barry tilted his head to look at her. "Wally's not here."

Anna slapped his arm. "Idiot."

Multiple beeps came from the monitors, just moments later. "What is that?" Iris questioned.

"One of the hangars out at Waid Airfield."

"My dad said CCPD was escorting ARGUS there this morning for something. He's there, Barry, Anna, stat."

"Yeah, we gotta go." Barry tilted his head to the door as they sped off.

"We'll meet you there." Caitlin nodded.

"Guys, seven officers and ARGUS agents down. They just blew open the ARGUS transport container. West side of the hangar. One armed assailant inside." Iris informed.

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