2. Fells not Wells

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"It's finished. Breach stabilized again. Barry, Cisco, and Wells have 20 hours to get back." Jay said as Anna walked in beside him.

"You guys are amazing." Caitlin sighed.

"When it comes to stabilizing breaches, maybe... not so much when it comes to fighting meta-humans." Jay looked to the screen.

"Don't be so hard on yourself man, you were pretty good." Anna encouraged.

"I was too slow. Geomancer's still out there, Anna. He has to be stopped. I have to be ready in case he attacks again. How much longer till the Velocity..."


"Velocity-8 is ready?" Jay questioned.

"I need to finalize the compound... make sure the extracellular matrix stays intact so you don't lose your speed as fast" Caitlin explained.

"Ok then, i'm gonna patrol the city a couple times, see what I can do." Anna said before speeding out and placing on her suit, feeling the wind flowing past her brown hair. She sped up a building, something her brother had taught her, and looked down at the city, one woman catching her eye. A blonde, with blue eyes.


Anna cried out as another beer bottle was thrown at her.

"Worthless..you should've never been born." Cameron yelled at her as she took another swig. This was the third time that her girlfriend had been drunk, and Anna still loved her. Beer bottle after beer bottle was thrown at her face, and it seemed to go on for hours before Cameron left.

"I love you." She whispered before blacking out.

Anna almost fell off of the building when she stopped remembering. The same girl that had treated her like trash and only wanted her for money was down there, buying beer from an alleyway. Anna sighed as she sped back to the West house, jumping on her old bed. She laid there for a while before getting up and walking towards the book shelf. She scanned the book until she found one that she had read over and over. The Hunger Games. She speed read through it in a couple minutes, as she heard the door open and Iris walked into her room.

"Hey." Anna mumbled, looking at the back of the cover.

"I need a favor. My new editor, he wants me to write a peice about not putting trust into Barry. I told him that I could maybe interview you 2?" She said slowly. Anna's eyes perked up slowly, and she gave a questioning look.

"You'd have to talk to jay, but I will do it so that people don't loose faith in my brother." Anna said, and with one look from Iris, she sped them both to Star Labs.

"Hey Iris, Anna. You ok?" Jay greeted them. Iris started explaining to Jay, and Anna moved closer to what Caitlin was working on.

"The speed force is in my body, just, less than Barry's right?" Anna questioned.

"Yeah, why?"

"What if we made a permanant one, that gave speed, and gave it to me. Would it increase the speed force in me?" Anna didn't get an answer, and a loud alarm went off. Caitlin stood up from her chair and they looked at the live news.

"Don't even think about running. There's new Flashes in town. You know, the one with the shiny helmet and the blue one. Not the speedsters I was hoping to crack, but let's see just how fast they is, Central City."

"Caitlin give me the Velocity-9" Jay motioned to the bottle in her hands.

"Jay, we have no idea how long it will last." Caitlin asked.

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