23. Technological Magic

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"B.A., someone's coming through." HR informed when Barry and Cisco walked into the breach room, where a portal was opened.

"Could be Gypsy."

"Could be, or it could be..." HR trailed off as the portal whooshed, and 2 men came through, holding Kara Danvers. "Supergirl?"

"Kara... What happened to her?" Barry questioned.

"We don't know, but whoever did it has come to this world." One of the men said.

"Her vitals are low. How long has she been like this?" Caitlin questioned once Kara was in the medbay.

"A few hours." The man that had introduced himself as Joh'n Jon'zz replied.

"Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her, and I get to punch him first." The other man said.

"Who are you?" Anna questioned.

"My name is Mon-El. I'm... I'm Kara's... friend. We're more... more than friend. We've been kissing a lot." Mon-El explained.

"Oh, she never mentioned she had a boyfriend." Caitlin muttered.

"It's a recent thing, so..." Mon-El trailed off.

"I thought you two broke up." Joh'n looked to him.

"I tell you what, I know enough not to mention the break-up between Barry and... uh..." HR looked to Iris.

"Not the time HR." Anna whispered.


"Look, hey, whatever's going on between me and Kara, I cannot leave her like this, okay? I need to get her back." Mon-El assured.

"We will, I promise." Barry explained.

"So what happened to her?"

"An alien prisoner escaped our custody. He did something to her, put her in some kind of a coma." Joh'n explained.

"And then he disappeared. We tracked him here and followed."

"Okay, but why would he come to this Earth?"

"Well, we believe... for you." Joh'n looked to Barry.

"Me? Why?"

"We don't know. But his last words before he disappeared were about finding the fastest man alive." Mon-El assured.

"Okay, well, clearly, we're talking about a breacher here. And if there's one thing I can do, it's find breachers." Cisco said as everyone stepped out of the room and into the cortex.

"So what else can you tell us about this guy?" Barry questioned.

"Not much. It's like he just materialized out of thin air." Joh'n explaned.

"You mean like this clown just did?" Cisco pointed to the camera's in the Speed Lab, where a man was standing and looking to the camera's and pointing.

"I'm gonna go."

"Yeah, no." Anna muttered, staying behind and watching through the cameras where Barry was speaking with the man, Wally behind him. The man sped forwards at inhuman speeds, knocking Wally back into the hall. Barry tried to run behind him, but the man caught him in a chokehold, throwing him into the floor and staring at his eyes before disappearing. Anna sped to the speed lab, grabbing Barry's unconscious body and placing him on a medbay bed next to Kara.

"Guys, we have a problem." Caitlin said when she entered the medbay, where the group was gathered around Barry and Kara. "Well, another problem. The Speed Force levels in Barry's cells have been severely depleted, as has the amount of solar radiation in Kara's body."

𝐉𝐎𝐋𝐓 - caitlin snowWhere stories live. Discover now