Anna groaned as she awoke from her sleep, peeling herself away from Caitlin to grab her phone.
"Stupid..Fire...Ignore." Anna muttered as Caitlin stirred in her sleep.
"You should probably get that, dork." Caitlin said, turning to face her.
"Fine..but only because you asked nicely." Anna got up out of their newly moved in apartment, speeding into her suit and to the fire. Anna zoomed in, finding Barry and Wally already there.
"Help!" Someone yelled out. "I'm trapped in here!"
"We gotta get him out of here. This place is up in flames any second." Wally looked around.
"You see the soot around this door? 'Cause the fire has no ventilation, so if we open the door now, the sudden inrush of oxygen will cause an explosion." Barry explained.
"Okay, so what do we do?" Anna questioned.
"Create an exit point for the heat and smoke, and remove all the oxygen at the same time." Barry explained.
"Which will put out the fire."
"When I say so, open the door, all right?" Barry said as him and Anna created votex's with their hands. "Now." Barry said as Wally opened the door. The flames started to rush out the window. The trio rushed the man out into the open.
"Flash. Jolt. Thanks." The man thanked as they sped away.
"Oh, man, that was so dope. How do you stay so calm? You're like scary calm in the middle of a fight." Wally exclaimed back at STAR labs
"It's just experience, Wally. That's why it's important for you to shadow me for a while, and try to learn everything I know." Barry explained.
"And then I get to kick some ass."
"Let me give you some advice, Wally. Being a superhero's not about kicking ass. Well... nope, actually that's a straight-up lie. There's a lot of ass-kicking involved." Cisco moved Wally to the side.
"Just keep doing what you're doing... watching me. You're doing great."
"I gotta go to breakfast with Dad, but I'll catch up with you guys later." Wally said before speed placing his suit on Barry's mannequin.
"Yo, that's where... mm...Nope." Barry cursed as Anna giggled. "My suit goes there."
"Glad he didn't put it on mine." Anna smirked.
"Ah, two suits, one mannequin. That is what we call a conundrum." Cisco explained. Multiple beeps came from Caitlin's wristband.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, these things have just been on the fritz lately. It makes me feel like a criminal." Caitlin sighed.
"Hasn't been on the fritz, okay? Uh, maybe if you charge the battery, like I told you to."
"Oh, I'm just supposed to hook myself up to an outlet, like I'm some sort of human tablet?"
"Either you charge the cuffs, or you go all Frozone on us again."
"Or... you could fix them for me?" Caitlin pleaded.
"Or I could fix 'em." Cisco agreed.
"Sumptuous day, brethren." HR said as he walked in with a segway.
"Good morning, H.R."
"Oh, not just good. It's g-r-r-eat, and why is that? Because I'm finally ready to announce that the new S.T.A.R. Labs museum is ready for its opening... soft opening... so come. Let's take a tour." HR revved the segway

𝐉𝐎𝐋𝐓 - caitlin snow
Fanfiction"Shake Faster." "What?" "He means phase, you dork." "I am not a dork!" OR In which Anna Allen joins team Flash and in the process, becomes a superhero and falls in love. [OFC x Caitlin Snow] [Season 2-?]