"What's happening?" Iris asked as Barry's tracker bliped all over Central City.
"The suit's tracker must be malfunctioning. It says he's appearing and reappearing all over the city at once, and that's impossible."
"He never moves that fast." Anna explained.
"Well, if he can't, maybe something else can." HR came to a conclusion.
"Look. It stopped. He's at the waterfront." Cisco explained.
"Okay. We have to get to him."
"And do what? He's fighting an invisible force that's too fast to track."
"What if there were four against one? Do you know what I'm saying?" HR added.
"Cisco, Anna, you can open a breach and get you both to the waterfront." Iris explained.
"Guys, I can't. It's too dangerous." Caitlin motioned to the cuffs.
"I'm begging you. Please." Iris said with a pleading face.
All three of them appeared behind Barry, but only Anna could see the man in front of her brother.
"I can't see it!" Caitlin yelled.
"Just do it!" Cisco yelled back. Caitlin threw a ice blast at the invisible object, while Anna threw multiple thunderstrikes. The person finally appeared in Cisco and Caitlins vison when it was covered in ice. The ice started to crack, and the person sped away, and Barry fell to the ground. Anna rushed over to help him up.
"Oh, boy. I'm gonna feel that tommorow." Cisco groaned.
"I'm ok. Just cold. Thanks for coming." Barry muttered.
"Barry, you're already healing. You should be fine soon. Um, Cisco, the MRI I did of your brain shows changes in the capillary morphology similar to that of a mini-stroke. I wouldn't try an intra-dimensional breach like that anytime soon." Caitlin explained when they got to the medbay.
"I'm gonna act like I know what that means." Anna chuckled.
Okay, okay. Mini-stroke? You can't just gloss over that like that, okay? What does that... what does that mean? Am I gonna have this migraine for the rest of my life?"
"It means you should take a few aspirin and you'll be fine." Caitlin added.
"Oh. Well, just lead with that next time."
"Cait, I know what a risk you took using your powers. Thank you." Barry thanked.
"I didn't do anything."
"Well, you saved my life."
"You've saved mine plenty of times. I'm gonna go check on Wally." Caitlin said as Anna followed her.
"Can we take him out?" Joe questioned. Wally was trapped in some kind of rock form.
"When a caterpillar is in its chrysalis, it literally breaks its body down into enzyme soup before rebuilding as a butterfly. If this cocoon is doing the same thing to Wally, I just... I don't know." Caitlin trailed off.
"You're right. You don't know. None of us knows a damn thing about what's going on in there. And I feel like a fool just standing here listening. Look, I've said it before... I don't have the education most of you had. The science of what we do here is mostly lost on me. But what I do have... is my detective skills and my instinct, and time and time again, I don't use them because you guys all tell me that everything is gonna be okay." Joe motioned to them before getting out of the room. "Everything is not okay. But I can't just stand here. My gut is telling me I need to do something."

𝐉𝐎𝐋𝐓 - caitlin snow
Fanfiction"Shake Faster." "What?" "He means phase, you dork." "I am not a dork!" OR In which Anna Allen joins team Flash and in the process, becomes a superhero and falls in love. [OFC x Caitlin Snow] [Season 2-?]