9. Oh So You'll Race Him but Not Me?

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Anna watched as her father treated Caitlin, who had just appeared moments before.

"He... let me go." Caitlin explained.

"He told me you guys were dead." Caitlin motioned to Barry and Anna.

"You can't stop him. You don't know what he's capable of."

"If the universe is with us, how could we loose." Barry explained.

"You need rest, come on." Anna said as she took her hand, guiding her to a guest bedroom.

"You were in the speed force?" Caitlin questioned.

"Yeah." Anna nodded her head as she guided her into a bed, kissing her head and rubbing circles into her palm until she fell asleep.

Anna woke up in the chair next to Caitlin when multiple beeps came from the monitor.

"You need me?" She asked Cisco when she stumbled out of her chair.

"Nah nah."

Anna sat next to Cisco in the cortex as they worked on the black box for the security cameras.
Multiple beeps came from the monitor, displaying the news.

A fire appeared on the precinct, forming a lightning bolt as Barry and her father ran in.

"Zoom." Barry said before he sped towards the precinct.

"Dammit!" Anna yelled. "He's gonna get himself killed." Her father shot her a look.

She watched as the news captured a building falling.

Barry argues, trying to tell them to take down Zoom.


"So basically, we create some vibrational tech that can take down the Earth-2 metas." Cisco explained.

"I like it."

"Me too."

"I'll help."


Everyone started to exit the room, leaving Barry with Joe.

"I thought throwing things was Harry's preferred method of dealing with stress." Caitlin noted as Cisco threw the pen at the board as Anna did the same.

That is how frustrated I am right now. I'm... just running out of ideas as to how to make this work. Where's Barry? I need a taste of that "Walking on Sunshine" thing he's got going on right now." Cisco said, frustrated. Caitlin gasped out in pain.

"No. No!"

"Caitlin?" Anna rushed to her with Cisco.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's me, okay? Breathe. Breathe. You're okay, all right? You're shaking."

"I... I thought I saw him... Zoom... I thought I saw him right there."

"It's just us, okay? Look at us, he's not here. He's not here. Look, you literally just escaped a psychopath who kidnapped you, all right, so I think it's normal for you to have a severe reaction like this."

"This is so much worse than that. I... I'm afraid all the time. I don't think I can ever move forward. Jay took everything from me. My confidence, my trust, my sanity. I don't think I'll ever be whole again."

"You will. I'll help you." Anna hugged her as Cisco did the same.

Anna sped to 5th and Main, where the same Meta-Human was attacking. Anna watched as she sped right in front of the one and only Laurel Lance.

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