14. Shadow's Follow You Everywhere

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"We have a problem." HR walked into the room, pushing in something covered with a sheet.

"Yeah, we do. He's still here." Cisco muttered as HR laughed.

"Cisco, comedy of the obvious. I made a pact to justify my presence on your Earth and I think I got something." HR explained.

"We're all ears." Cisco said as Anna turned from what she was working on.

"Okay. I read every news report I can get my hands on. And I have come to the conclusion that this very operation is a ticking time-bomb."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't spend all your time working on... working on whatever... whatever this is."

"This... this is a very delicate set of power-dampening cuffs. We need them to stop the meta-humans."

"My point exactly. It's not gonna be long before people start putting the pieces together and figure out what you're doing here. You're working with The Flash."

"The perfect disguise. We reopen this laboratory and I become the face of the new S.T.A.R. Labs Museum." HR pulled off the sheet.

"There's only one problem with that. It's your face. You're kind of a known murderer around these parts. You see, the evil Wells, not to be confused with the dick-ish but not evil Wells, he confessed to killing Barry's mother. So basically, if you step foot outside this lab, you'll be arrested." Cisco and Caitlin explained.

"What... you're just telling me this now, you three rascals? What about the cryptogram? What about the message? Come to this Earth. Get a fresh start. If a string is in a knot, patience will untie it. Patience can do lots of things. Have you ever tried it? My dear ma used to say that to me all the time any time I had a problem. Now I have a problem. I guess I'm gonna use that adage to figure it out. S.T.A.R. Labs Museum, think about it." HR tapped the board as he exited the room.

"You think everyone on Earth-19 is missing crayons in the box, or just him?" Cisco asked as HR walked away.

"Who knows?" Anna muttered as Cisco turned to Caitlin.

"Paging Dr. Snow. Wow, you are out of it. This have anything to do with your recent visit with mom?" Cisco waved a hand in front of her face.

"I just... I haven't been sleeping well, but I'm okay." Caitlin said.

"Coffee?" Anna got up, stretching her legs.

"Yeah. Thanks." Caitlin said before Anna appeared back with multiple coffee's in her hand.

"Guys I need you in the Cortex now." Barry said into Anna's comms.

"Killed by a shadow? That's a new one." Caitlin mumbled as Anna sped into the Cortex.

"Maybe that's what killed Edward Clariss." Cisco muttered.

"Clariss was a meta-human. This victim doesn't appear to be." Barry added.

"Do we know if this shadow meta is from the particle accelerator explosion or from Dr. Alchemy?"

"Not yet, no. We actually haven't found any evidence to process."

"If only we had a way, Francisco, to see what happened." HR ate his noodles.

"Camera's." Anna muttered.

"Where was the crime scene located?"

"In Chubbuck, uh, Palmer and Racine, around 11:00 last night." Barry said as Cisco pulled up the cameras. They watched as the man was strangled bu a dark shadow.

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