49. A Babys birth with a side of satellite

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"Cisco, we need power!" Barry yelled.

"Working on it."

"Nothing is working. Not even cell phones." Caitlin explained.

"That's what I was worried about."

"It's happening isn't it?" Joe walked in with Cecile.

Barry huffed. "I don't know. I mean, our plan didn't work. DeVoe replaced the satellite I destroyed with the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to set off The Enlightenment."

"Bar, it's going nuts out there. There is no power anywhere. Our car just stopped working." Joe noted.

"Thank God we were close by. I mean, the hospital is another three miles away."

"The hospital?" Anna questioned.

Cecile groaned. "Joe?"

"The sky turned purple, and she started having contractions. If we're not able to get her to the hospital can you use..." Joe started.

"No, Barry can't run her. It is not safe for Cecile or the baby." Caitlin said quickly.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Joe questioned.

"I have everything here I'd need to deliver a baby."

"Huh? What?" Cecile and Joe said at the same time.

"Great. Uh, let's go see how dilated you are." Caitlin led them out. Barry walked out with Cisco too, leaving Anna in the cortex, eating noodles.

"Look, I love "Inception" as much as the next guy, but sending Barry into DeVoe's mind?" Cisco asked after Iris had made Marlieze turn.

"His mind is the only one fast enough to survive the linking process without any harm." Marlize explained.

"I'm right here." Anna chuckled.

"Yeah, but how would this help us to stop him?" Barry asked.

"If we can find the good left in Clifford and help it retake control of his mind, that good could overpower the bad."

"You think there actually is good left inside him?"

"I know that this is hard to imagine, but there was a time when Clifford was nothing but good, when he truly wanted to help the world. It's the dark matter he infused in his brain that changed him. So yes, I do believe that there is some good in him. Someway we just need to find it." Marlize said.

"This is crazy. I mean, why don't we just call someone we trust? Kara, Oliver, Wally..." Barry ticked off.

"You could bring a legion of your friends, but they would pose no challenge. Clifford created the bus metas and the combination of the abilities to ensure that he could defeat anyone whose assistance you might enlist." Marlize assured.

"How long until our minds are wiped?"

"Once the permeation grid hits 100%." She noted.

"How would we get me inside his mind?" Barry asked.

"We need to find a way to transfer your consciousness into his." Marlieze said.

Cisco shook his head quickly. "No, you know what happens every time I try to vibe him. I can't do it."

"I do. But I don't think it's your power we need, Mr. Ramon. I believe it's hers." Marlize motioned to Cecile in the medbay.

Marlize attached something to Ceciles head, then made Barry sit in DeVoe's chair.

"Mr. Allen, put the cap on your head." Marlize instructed.

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