22. Crutches

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Anna approached the doorway where HR told her Cisco and Jesse were. When she got closer, she started to hear arguing.

"Okay, so let's say I find Savitar, right now. What are you gonna do about it?" She heard Cisco ask.

"I'm gonna go after him."

"Jesse, are you out of your mind?"

"No, okay? I can't just sit here waiting."

"You can, and you will. We all will. And, soon enough, Barry's gonna get Wally out of the Speed Force."

"You don't know that, okay? We don't know anything. We don't know if Anna's leg is going to heal. The only thing we actually know is that Savitar is out there, and, if we can, we have to find him and send him right back where he came from." Anna flinched at her name.

"You're staying here." She heard before fleeing back to the Cortex.

"It simultaneously exists and doesn't exist." Caitlin added as they studied the Savitar Claws.

"Like Schroeder's cat. Remember Schroeder? Guy with the cat in the box both dead and alive at the same time, dun, dun, dun, which, by the way, seems like cruelty for animals half the time." HR suggested.

"Okay, I think you're thinking of Schrodinger, maybe?"


"Yeah, 'cause Schroeder's the guys from "Peanuts."

"I don't think so." HR argued.

"Yeah, the one with the piano." Caitlin twinkled her fingers.

"The Charlie Brown has the piano on my Earth. That's the whole gag 'cause he can't play the piano. He's terrible."

"Oh, my God, who cares about cats or pianos - or the freaking Peanuts?" Jesse asked, interrupting their chat. HR muttered something about Peanuts again.

"You have been studying this thing for hours. Can we or can we not use it to track Savitar?" Jesse asked angrily, an anger that Anna realized.

Caitlin spoke "As far as we can tell, the shard is made of near-frictionless material that's in a constant state of flux."

"So while it's utterly motionless on the outside." HR was about to bang his drum stick.

Caitlin grabbed the drum stick. "It's constantly moving on the inside.

"Yes, it's as if it's being affected by some sort of external source, much like the tides are affected by the phases of the moon." Julian explained as HR pulled out another drum stick.

"Okay, okay, then it has to be Savitar. I mean, this was part of his armor. Maybe it's trying to reconnect with its other pieces." Jesse suggested.

"That's it. It's just like The Iron Giant. If this is true, then this shard could lead us right to him."

"That's an idea. Okay, all right, so what are we waiting for? Let's..." Jesse tried to grab the shard, but HR panged his drum stick.

"Hold your roll, Jesse Quick. This hesitation that you feel, on behalf of the group, is our realization that this go for broke attitude is the very attitude that got Wallace in his predicament in the first place. Am I right?" HR questioned.

"I can't believe I'm uttering the words, but I actually agree with H.R." Julian admitted.

"Ditto." Cisco muttered.

"A lone speedster... it's just no match for Savitar." Julian added.

"Yeah, but..."

"Jesse, we're gonna find him." Caitlin assured.

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