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A week had passed since yuta had spoken to anyone outside of his family. His parents were on a business trip, leaving him alone with his brothers.

He had received sichengs number from ten, but that didn't help his unbearable social anxiety. He felt bad for having not spoken to him but sicheng never exactly stated that he wanted yuta to message him.

Yuta dragged himself out of bed at the sound of the doorbell ringing. He peaked out of his door to try and see who it was. Shotaro opened the door with johnny right beside him.

"Ten, you should just live here." Shotaro opened the door wider, allowing ten to come into the house. What yuta hadn't expected was to see sicheng enter as well. Once his eyes followed the boy into the house, he quickly closed the door to his room and flopped onto the bed.

Yuta could hear the small group of people downstairs but he tried his best to ignore it. His social skills were practically nonexistent.

Yuta heard a soft knock on his door before it slowly creaked open. "Why knock if you're going to come in anyway?" he scoffed.

Shotaro waddled over to his older brothers bed, flopping down onto the bed as well and engulfing yuta into a hug.

The two had a fairly good relationship. They got along well, shotaro was very fond of yuta. He loved simply being in his presence. They weren't afraid to show affection towards each other, they even cuddled sometimes. Their mother always found it weird how well the pair got along, but she'd take the affection over constant bickering.

Yuta always tried his best to show less of his illness when shotaro was around, if that was even possible. He knew how much of an affect he had on him, he didn't want to bring shotaro into the dark world he lived in.

Yuta held his younger brother in his arms and smiled, shotaro made him so happy. "Yes, shotaro?"

"Are you going to come downstairs? Tens friend wants to see you." He questioned hesitantly.

Yuta was speechless. "Er... now?"

"No, next year." shotaro scoffed sarcastically.

Yuta pushed him off, causing both of them to stand up in a fit of giggles. "I'll come down for a bit. For you, not sicheng."

The two walked downstairs with yutas arm draped over shotaro. Ten, sicheng and johnny were all gathered in the lounge room. Ten, johnny and shotaro seated on one couch, leaving the only other seat beside sicheng.

He plopped down onto the couch, trying his best to participate in the conversation but his social battery had clearly ran out.

Sicheng moved closer to yuta. "Did ten ever give you my number?" he whispered so only the two of them would hear. Yuta turned to face him and nodded.

"Why did you never call or text?" sicheng frowned.

Yuta scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "I didn't know you wanted me to."

Sicheng laughed softly and clung onto yutas arm, the sudden physical affection making him flinch. "I wouldn't have given it to you if I didn't want to talk to you."

Yuta had never received any affection from anyone besides his family. Even then, he only liked receiving affection from his younger brother. He didn't know why he hadn't pushed sicheng away yet. He wasn't ready to start any friendships that could potentially leave his mental health worse than what it already was.

"Give me your phone." sicheng suggested, holding his hand out.

Yuta gave him his phone and watched as he typed away for a few seconds before handing it back. "I texted myself for you." he explained and yuta just nodded.

A few minutes passed, yuta hadn't been talking. He was listening to them talk but he hadn't spoken at all.

"You're quiet today." sicheng moved closer  again.

"Not really in the mood to talk, I just don't wanna be rude." yuta shrugged.

Sicheng nodded and grabbed yutas arm, wrapping it around himself and walking out of the lounge room. "We're going to watch a movie, bye!" sicheng said and quickly pulled yuta out of the room.

"Oh?" ten wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, yuta glared at him.

The pair entered yutas cluttered bedroom and closed the door behind him. Sicheng unraveled himself from yutas arm and sat on the bed. "I didn't want you to be uncomfortable so I made an excuse to get you out of there." he explained, a blush rising on his cheeks.

Yuta thought it was cute.

"Uh...thanks. We can actually watch a movie... if you want to." yuta mentally facepalmed himself for being so awkward.

Sicheng nodded in reply as yuta opened netflix on his laptop. Yuta picked a random movie for the two to enjoy. They laid back against the bed in silence as the movie played on. After a half hour of the movie playing, yuta noticed sichengs head propped up against his shoulder. His breathing was even and his eyes were shut. Yuta knew he wouldn't be sleep for long, it was still evening and the sun hadn't set.

Yuta paused the movie, he didn't want it to wake up sicheng. He pulled sicheng closer, the bed was big enough so they didn't have to lay atop each other but yuta felt better knowing sicheng was laying on him.

Yuta knew he shouldn't be this comfortable around someone he hardly knew. Especially with his illness being very present in his daily life.

But, he allowed himself to get comfortable anyways.

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