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Yuta was back on his meds.

Of course he had the usual side effects that came with them, but after a while those were gone. Overall, his life didn't change much. The medication didn't make him feel exaggerated happiness, but they didn't make him want to drop dead as well.

The only reason yuta agreed to the medication was because sicheng suggested it. Truthfully, yuta felt that he could jump off a bridge if sicheng instructed him to.

Yuta just wanted sicheng to be happy, sicheng wanting the same for yuta. They both obliged to each others every request, if it wasn't too absurd. They were happy, genuinely happy.

Sicheng hadn't told his other roommates about the relationship being formed between the two, but he felt like they were starting to catch on.

It had been times where they had the urges to show affection in front of the others, almost acting on these urges as well, but they had to stop themselves. Sicheng knew something was up when ten no longer pestered him about having feelings for the japanese male.

The only problem being, sicheng didn't know what to tell the others, or if there was anything to tell. He wasn't obligated to tell them anything, but these were his closest friends. He felt guilty keeping this from them. Sicheng and yuta weren't in an exclusive relationship, he wasn't aware how to approach the idea to yuta or his friends.

"Sicheng!" yuta waved his hand in front of sichengs face, snapping him out of his thoughts.


"Do you want to go out for ice cream?" yuta suggested. Sicheng furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn't been able to get yuta to leave the house since he moved in. That was months ago. Prior to him moving in, he hadn't left his own home in months. It had been a good 7 months since yuta went out into the vicious world.

"Are you sure? I can go out and get you ice cream, or I can order some!" sicheng proposed.

Yuta shook his head vigorously. "I want to go out."

"Why all of a sudden?" sicheng began to worry.

"I'm going stir crazy." he admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck awkwardly.

Sicheng would never deny such a request. He grabbed onto yutas hand, a bit too tightly, and reached for his car keys. "We're going out!" sicheng yelled out to whomever was still present in the house before dragging yuta out the door.

"Wait, shouldn't I clean up first?" yuta asked in the midst of being forced into sichengs car.

"You're not walking the red carpet, yuyu." sicheng chuckled.

Yuta looked over his appearance in one of the many mirrors that rested in the vehicle. His eye bags still present beneath his eyes despite him sleeping at night, his unkept hair flying in all directions and his body covered in mismatched pajamas. He shrugged it off.

Yutas social anxiety was peaking through as they neared the ice cream parlor. The world couldn't have changed much in the few months he spent locked away in his castle. Unfortunately, that didn't ease his nerves.

Before he knew it, they had arrived. He didn't want to be dramatic, so he attempted to hide his panicked expression. Sicheng was all too familiar with the sudden mask being put up.

"It's okay, yuyu, do you want to stay in the car while I go in?" sicheng suggested but yuta shook his head, shoving his nerves down his throat.

The ice cream parlor held a single mother with her child, the child didn't look an age over three, and a teenaged boy working the counter.

"Can you order for me?" yuta whispered to sicheng as they approached the many flavors on display. Sicheng giggled and nodded.

"Chenle!" sicheng gathered the attention of the teenaged worker. "Can I get two cones, strawberry and chocolate."

The employee, chenle, nodded and scooped their ice cream into cones while sicheng paid.

"Tell renjun I said hello!" chenle announced as the paid took their seats in a booth near a window.

"He's a friend of my brother." sicheng gestured towards chenle as they took their seat, yuta nodded.

"I could've paid." the older male huffed, sicheng snickered and licked his ice cream.

"Yuta, you don't have a job." he giggled. Yuta knew he meant no harm, but yuta was an over thinker. He had somehow convinced himself that sicheng was bothered by his lack of employment.

"Do you want me to find a job?" yuta asked sheepishly. Sicheng realized yutas embarrassed state and quickly shook his head. "No. If you want a job that's great but I don't care if you do or don't have a job."

Yutas thoughts were put to rest. The japanese male had become dependent on sicheng. He knew this would cause problems down the line but for right now, he was content. What yuta didn't know was that sicheng had become dependent on him as well. He didn't make any decisions without confiding in yuta first. This also consisted of simple choices, like what he would eat for dinner or whether he should wash his hair or not. Before sicheng did anything, he always thought about yuta first.

Yuta brought him a purpose. He wanted to do great things for him. Clearly, the feeling was mutual.

The two were obnoxiously in love.

i've been busy with exams but i'm going to be more consistent with uploading chapters now!

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