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"Yuta, I know you haven't slept in days." ten entered the bedroom and crouched down beside yuta.

Yuta tensed up. "Sicheng is coming back home today, his parents said it was an emergency so he had to go." ten sighed.

Yuta remained silent.

The two hadn't spoken about the kiss since it happened. Coincidentally, sicheng had to go back home for the weekend. They hadn't spoken since he left, mainly because yuta didn't have the energy to pick up his cell phone.

"You haven't been the same since the accident." ten frowned. "Taro misses you."

Yutas eyes sparkled at the mention of his younger brother.

Only a few people close to yuta knew what lead to this particular behavior coming from yuta. Yuta had always had mood swings, nothing too far from normal. At the age of fifteen, yuta being the 'rebel' he was, drove his mothers car unlicensed. This leading to a terrible accident. A broken arm was pretty bad, but it could've been horribly worse. His mother hadn't been angry with him, merely grateful her son was still alive. Sitting in that hospital bed wasn't dreadful for yuta, he didn't feel anything at all. He felt empty. He got released from the hospital, the feeling of emptiness still consuming him. His mother figured he was still upset about the accident until weeks later he was diagnosed with depression.

Things went back to normal for a while after he was diagnosed, but after all you can't escape mental illness.

"He can't see me." yuta stated coldly, he didn't want his younger brother that admired him to see him like this. Ten sighed, leaving the room.

Sicheng arrived back to the shared house hours later.

"Yuta isn't feeling well, you should check on him." ten said.

'Hello to you too...' sicheng thought.

"Sicheng, I told you that you wouldn't be able to take care of him, he has to want better for himself before anyone can-"

"Kun!" sicheng snapped. "As much as i'd love to hear your doubts about my relationship with yuta, I need to go check on him." Sicheng rolled his eyes and walked past the two shocked males.

"Relationship?" ten grinned menacingly, kun simply shrugged him off.

Sicheng frowned upon seeing yutas sleepless appearance. He walked over to yutas side and crouched down, a similar position to tens previous one. Sicheng noticed previously that yuta talked more when he was comfortable.

"You look terrible." sicheng giggled, earning a smile from the older. "No sleep?"

Yuta nodded, sitting up as well.

"Let's get something to eat first, then we can take a nap." sicheng proposed.


The pair sat on the bed, eating two halves of a sandwich. "How was your family?"

"My younger brother, renjun, crashed the car." sicheng sighed before continuing. "Luckily, he's fine, just a dumbass."

Yutas body stiffened but he forced a smile nonetheless.

"That's good."

Sicheng threw his arms over yutas body and snuggled close to him. "I'm exhausted."

Yuta hummed, wrapping his arms around sichengs waist and throwing the blanket over the two. Yuta watched as sichengs breathing quickly turned to slow, even breaths.

Yuta admired the sleeping boy, kissing his forehead. He soon allowed his own eyelids to grow heavy and sleep consume him.

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