691 49 13

trigger warning: mentions of self harm.

Sicheng entered the nicely decorated kitchen and began preparing a hot cup of coffee.

Kun entered the kitchen shortly after. "Yangyang saw you and your boy cuddling."

Sicheng choked on his drink. "He's not 'my boy' and why was yangyang in my room?"

"Sicheng, you're not a knight in shining armor. What are you going to do the next time yuta can't get out of bed? Or when he doesn't eat for days on end? Or how about when he does something drastic, like hurting himself?" Kun sighed before continuing. "You're not his family, you can't take care of him."

Sicheng was taken aback by the sudden seriousness in kuns voice. He had obviously thought about that but he felt it was for the better for yuta to be in an changed environment. It was difficult to get yuta to step outside his house after not leaving for five months, but sicheng felt like it was a step in the right direction.

"I'm not trying to cure his depression, I just want to be sure that he's physically and mentally safe. His mother and father are hardly around so his family doesn't care for him either. He doesn't sympathy, he needs to be treated like a human." sicheng finished before walking off to his bedroom.

In his bedroom, yuta laid sprawled across the messy bed. He was awake, but he all he could muster to do was stare at the ceiling. Sicheng gulped, he hoped that yuta wasn't as bedridden as his previous state.

"You're awake?" sicheng questioned to which yuta nodded.

"Kuns right, you can't take care of me sicheng." yuta blankly said, sicheng furrowed his eyebrows.

"you heard all of that?"

Yuta nodded once again. "I'm not a kid, I don't need a guardian."

The room was silent.

"Have you ever... h-harmed yourself?" sicheng asked hesitantly.

Yuta froze, nodding his head shakily.

Sicheng sighed and wrapped his arms over yutas body, engulfing him in a tight hug. "You're more than your illness, you're still the yuta that everyone knows and loves."

This was the reassurance that yuta needed. No one had ever said this to the male and he was grateful that sicheng took the initiative. Although he was still struggling with his issues, he was appreciative to be seen as more than just that. Even if that person was only sicheng.

Yuta wrapped his arms around sicheng and sat up so the younger male was atop him. He looked over sichengs features, his plump pink lips complimented his creamy milk skin well.

Of course yuta was looking at his lips.

The tension in the room grew as yuta brushed his thumb over sichengs lips. "Can I kiss you?" yuta examined the youngers expression. Sicheng gulped, but nodded nonetheless.

Yuta then closed the gap between the two, pressing his lips softly onto the latters. Yuta felt the electricity flowing from the soft kiss, his lips were extremely soft in yutas opinion.

"Did not expect to see this." Lucas raised an eyebrow and hendery beside him cleared his throat.

"Yukhei!" sicheng abruptly stood up from the bed and chased the two out of the room.

Yuta chuckled and began getting ready for the day, a smile present on his face.

i really enjoy writing this story, but i don't want to trigger anyone's trauma or anything of the sort so i put trigger warnings even if i only mention the sensitive topic(s) once or twice!

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