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Yuta had been doing much better. He was on medication, seeking therapy and trying to better his mental health. He knew he still suffered from depression but he was trying. Trying was better than spending his days decomposing in his old bedroom.

Yuta had just arrived to the shared home ecstatically. He had applied to numerous jobs days prior, he had finally received a call back and was scheduled for an interview. He thought about leaving it as a surprise in case he didn't get the job but yuta couldn't keep anything from sicheng, whether it be for the better or the worse. Despite it being a simple part-time job, yuta was happy.

"Yuta!" ten smiled and waved him over to the couch he was sitting on. All seven males were spread apart throughout the living room. Xiaojun, hendery and yangyang laid amongst each other on the floor while ten, yukhei and kun sat on the bigger couch. This left sicheng sitting on the smaller couch by himself.

Yuta sat beside him. After awhile, he pulled sicheng onto his lap. Sichengs cheek turned a crimson shade of red as he was now atop yuta.

"Baby," yuta wiggled his eyebrows. Sicheng knew the older was teasing him since the others were around. "I got a job interview!"

Sichengs smile grew upon hearing the words flow out of yutas mouth. "Congratulations, yuta! Where's the interview at?"

"The ice cream parlor, the one chenle works at."

Sicheng perked up. "Lele's mom owns that parlor! I can totally put in a good word."

"You'd do that for me?"

"In an instant."

Their conversation was interrupted as ten sat beside the pair, "Yuta, did you call sicheng 'baby'?" he grinned, this grabbed the other's attention.

"Have you two finally made it official?" yukhei added.

"Ugh, thank you ten." sicheng said sarcastically.

"My pleasure."

"Wait, you two aren't dating yet?" yangyang asked hesitantly, yuta shook his head 'no'.

"You owe me twenty dollars." hendery grinned menacingly, earning a frustrated groan from yangyang.

Sicheng shook his head in disbelief. "Not that's anyone's business."

"Well, actually-" ten was about reply but yuta cut him off.

"Sicheng, be my boyfriend." yuta demanded more than asked. Everyone was silent, sichengs eyes widened in surprise. All pairs of eyes glanced between the two, awaiting sichengs response.


Everyone smiled widely for the two, yuta himself also smiled. He placed a quick kiss on sichengs cheek, just so his friends can tease him more.

Sicheng tried to bury his happiness and cover it in pretend annoyance, but he couldn't. He was happy to finally be yuta's boyfriend.

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