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hey yuta
i enjoyed spending time with you today!

me too

we should hang out again soon

i'd like that
how about you come over next week?

sure, see you soon!


A week passed, but everything was different.

Yuta hadn't been able to leave bed for days. This happened quite often but only lasted for 2-3 days. Yuta had been bedridden for a week. After a few days, shotaro and johnny began to worry. They tried to bring him food, which he didn't eat. Shotaro attempted to lighten his mood, to which yuta would simply yell at him to leave. He hated treating shotaro so coldly but he knew it was for the best, shotaro just wanted his older brother to feel better.

Yuta hadn't eaten, he hardly spoke, all he could do was lay there. He occasionally slept but it wasn't for long.

Ten sprung up from the couch after hearing a knock on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows as the opened door revealed sicheng.

"What are you doing here?"

"Me and yuta made plans, but he hasn't been texting me recently... I didn't know whether to stay home or not so I just came." Sicheng explained.

"He hasn't been feeling well." ten frowned, opening the door to allow sicheng to enter.

"Ten! You can't allow people into our house, you don't live here-" shotaro entered the lounge room but stopped upon seeing who had entered. "Sicheng?"

Sicheng nodded and smiled awkwardly, "Yuta hasn't been feeling well?" he looked between ten and shotaro worriedly, the two nodded.

"Can I see him?"

Ten and shotaro shared a look but nodded nonetheless. They lead sicheng to yutas room, "If he yells at you to leave, don't take it personal." Shotaro explained before knocking on yutas door. After a few seconds shotaro opened the door, revealing a sleeping yuta.

"I'll stay in here until he wakes up, to make sure he's okay." sicheng said before closing the door, ten and shotaro nodded nervously.

Sicheng sat on the edge of yutas bed for thirty minutes until yuta began to stir awake. He rubbed his eyes and yawn, he looked exhausted despite not having done anything. "Sicheng?" yuta furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You never returned my texts." sicheng smiled softly, laying beside yuta.

"Sorry." yuta mumbled. The room went silent.

Sicheng decided to break the silence, "Are you okay?"

Yuta shifted in his seat awkwardly. He wasn't okay and hadn't been for a long time. People always asked him how he was doing but no one really cared, everyone expected an answer like 'good' or 'fine'. Words couldn't explain how he felt, but he definitely wasn't good or fine.

Yuta shook his head and began to cry, he tried his best to wipe away his stray tears but had no luck. Sicheng sprung into action, pulling yuta over and allowing him to cry on his shirt. He didn't speak, he just allowed yuta to cry.

Sicheng let him calm down, "Are you hungry, would you like something to eat?' sicheng wiped the last of yutas tears away, yuta nodded.

Yuta lifted his head from sichengs shirt to allow him to get up, silently apologizing for the tear stained shirt. "I won't take long!" sicheng spoke before exiting the room.

As he began preparing a sandwich for the older, the three other males decided to join him in the kitchen.

"You were in there for a long time." johnny scoffed.

"How's he doing?" shotaro asked worriedly.

"I'm surprised he let you in instead of shotaro." Ten squinted his eyes suspiciously.

Sicheng finished making the sandwich and nuzzled shotaros hair, ignoring the other two. "I shouldn't be the one to answer your question, give him some time." sicheng walked back towards yutas bedroom.

He entered the room with a small smile on his face and a plate in hand. He closed the door behind him and sat beside yuta on the bed. Yuta looked distressed but still took the dish.

Yuta broke off a piece and handed it to sicheng, his cheeks flushed at the action. He took the small piece and ate it.

Sicheng spent the rest of the night with yuta. He wasn't trying to lift his spirits, he was just simply being there which was enough for yuta.

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