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"Yuta!" sicheng stepped into the ice cream parlor. It was a bit past 7 pm and yuta had just ended his shift. The ice cream shop had been quite busy throughout the afternoon, which was understandable for a saturday. With help of chenle and a few other workers, jaemin and jeno, yuta settled in easily.

Yuta took off his apron and placed it on the rack, a wide smile spread across his face upon hearing his favorite persons voice.

"Hi, sicheng!" yuta greeted the boy that was on the other side of the counter. Sicheng waved at the male, "I have a surprise for you!"

Chenle emerged from the door that read 'employees only' and waved at sicheng. "Taking him on a date?" chenle spoke in mandarin. Yuta, not caring enough to attempt to decipher the mandarin, just allowed the two to finish their conversation.

"Lele, you're like five. Don't worry about us adults." sicheng replied with a roll of his eyes, chenle scoffed. "I'm not five!" he yelled, yuta raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of volume.

Sicheng chuckled and linked his arm with yutas. "Make sure you get home safely, chenle!" was the last thing he said before switching back to speaking korean. "Come on, yuta." the two left out of the shop.

Yuta gestured towards the shop once they reached sichengs car. "What was that about?"

Sicheng dismissed his curiosity and held out a blindfold, a devilish grin on his face. "Put it on."

Yuta hesitantly grabbed the blindfold and tied it around his head. It wasn't completely blacked out but all he could see was practically static. He wanted to trust sichengs surprise but he also didn't want to be murdered without having received his first paycheck.

Sicheng stuck his middle finger up in front of yutas blindfolded eyes. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"None?" it came out more like question than an answer, sicheng nodded despite yuta not being able to see. "Okay, sit tight."


They drove for about ten minutes before sicheng was helping guide yuta out the car up a few flights of stairs.

Yuta gulped, growing more anxious with each growing second. "Sicheng, are you going to kill me?  I know that's a weird question to ask a murderer but i'd be more comfortable knowing where my fate lies-"

"Yuta, shut up." sicheng giggled. Yuta was left standing beside what he hoped to be sicheng. He heard what sounded like the jingling of keys before hearing the creak of a door. He felt sichengs hand grip onto his arm and drag him further.

Sicheng unfolded the blindfold, allowing yuta to see the place he had been brought.

Yuta opened his eyes, revealing an empty apartment. He was stood in an empty, open space with a kitchen across from it. The kitchen held white, marbled counters and an island. Along with a stainless steel refrigerator and an electric stove. The japanese male found himself smiling unconsciously when he came to the realization of where he was at.

"Look at the bedroom!" sicheng pulled yuta deeper into the apartment. The bedroom was of decent size for the two adult males but it was empty as well. A bathroom wasn't too far from both the living space and the bedroom.

"This place is all ours! Do you like it?" sicheng clasped his hands together but worry overcame his face upon realization of yutas silent state.

Yuta was amazingly overwhelmed. He loved every part of the beautiful apartment. What made it even better for him was the fact he was going to be living here with his boyfriend.

He hadn't expected to make it this far in life. He had pictured himself spending his entire adult life relishing in self pity, but that wasn't the case. He was going to therapy, he had a job, a boyfriend who was going to be living with. He was beyond grateful.

"I love it. Thank you for this." the older male placed his hands on sichengs waist, pulling him in close. Sicheng couldn't hide his happiness as he peppered yutas face in small kisses.

"I know you're tired from work so we can move some of our things in tomorrow! The place is already ours and we can just go half on the rent!" Sicheng beamed.

Yuta laughed at how cute the boy in his arms was. Both males couldn't wait to finally live in their beautiful place with each other.

"Lets go back home for the night so we can get some rest." Sicheng untangled himself from yutas embrace and guided the two back out the front door.

Once sicheng had locked the doors to their new home, yuta sighed dreamily.

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"Show me?"

Yuta took this chance to pull sicheng by his chin and place a soft, chaste kiss onto sichengs lips. Sichengs immediate respond being to kiss him back. The two didn't pull apart until their lungs forced them to.

"I love you too."

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