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Yuta awoke first, he groaned but quickly shut his mouth realizing that sicheng was still sleeping on him.

Such a sleepyhead.

He just hoped that sicheng woke up soon, he was growing hungry. After admiring sichengs sleepy state for five more minutes, sicheng began to stir in his sleep. He sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he gathered his surroundings.

He turned around to face yuta, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." he frowned, causing yuta to smile.

"It's fine, I fell asleep too." he reassured the younger.

Yuta stood up from the bed and held out his hand for sicheng to grab. "Are you hungry? I'm not much of a cook but I can whip something up... that's if you even planned on staying-"

"Yeah, i'm pretty hungry." sicheng giggled.

His laugh was beginning to sound like music to yutas ears.

The pair walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. The entire downstairs was empty, leaving yuta and sicheng alone. Yuta turned to the stove and began preparing something simple, ramen. Sicheng silently took a seat at the dining table.

After a few minutes, yuta finally served sicheng his food and sat down across from him. They ate in silence, it wasn't awkward, yuta just wasn't used to eating meals with a friend. Mostly because he didn't have any.

"Ten said you were ill, you don't look ill." sicheng gestured to yutas body as he finished up his ramen.

Yuta thought about his unkept hair, noticeable eyebags and messy clothing.

"I'm mentally ill, not physically."

"Mentally?" sicheng zoned out for a bit as he finally put the pieces together, he finally realized that yuta had depression, or something of the sort.

Yuta nodded, it was a sore subject for him to talk about but he felt the ability to be open with sicheng. After all, they didn't know each other so he wasn't really risking anything by expressing himself.

Sicheng hummed and stood up from the table, he thought it was best to not press further on the issue.

Sicheng took their dishes and began to clean them, yuta just watched silently. Yuta felt guilty for allowing sicheng to clean up their mess but even he knew that if it was left for him to clean, it wouldn't be cleaned.

"Um...thanks." yuta smiled softly at the younger male.

"It's getting late, I should probably get going." sicheng frowned, yuta began to walk him to the door.

"It was nice, y'know, spending time with you." sicheng spoke genuinely. For once, yuta actually agreed. "I'll text you."

Yuta smiled and with that, sicheng left.

Yuta closed the door and shrieked when he felt a surprise hand on his shoulder. He turned around, slapping johnnys hand away in the process.

"Dude, he's hot."

"Please, shut up."

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