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"Yuta, how do you feel about going out today? I had this perfect idea planned for our second da-"

Yuta stood up almost immediately after hearing sichengs question and walked towards the front door, sicheng followed. "Hey, if you don't want to go you could've said that! you don't have to leave-"

"Sicheng, we're going on our date." the older male instructed, sicheng did as he was told.

"Finish telling me about our 'perfect' second date." he chuckled. The two piled into sichengs car, yuta in the passenger seat.

"It's a surprise! Hey, yuta, do you want to drive?" sicheng felt selfish once he realized he'd never offered up his keys to the older male. It might've been stupid, but sicheng was determined to make everything right.

Meanwhile, the thought of driving made yuta shiver. Flashbacks of his accident blared through his head like a siren, he wanted to avoid being put back into a horrid mental space at all costs.

Sicheng noticed the panicked look on his lovers face and sprung into action. He stepped out of the car and walked over to yutas side, opening the door and promptly hugging the male.

Yutas thoughts scattered as his attention was brought back to sicheng. His arms wrapped around the younger as if they had a brain of their own. "We can walk, it's not far." sicheng suggested, yuta nodded.

They began walking to the unknown destination. Sicheng was lost in thought while yutas head was practically empty of them. Yuta examined sichengs focused facial expression. His eyebrows were furrowed and the sides of his mouth wrinkled from being pressed into a frown.

Yuta snuck his fingers through sichengs, intertwining them and snapping sicheng from his thoughts.

"I'm sorry." sicheng whispered, yuta was lucky to have even heard him. "I didn't mean to cause a panic attack."

Yuta brought their conjoined hands up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss onto sichengs knuckles. "Don't apologize, no one really knows the depth to my problems, including myself. I can't really blame anyone." he explained, sicheng nodded.

"I thought you were getting better." the younger frowned.

"Trust me, I am." yuta chuckled. "After all, there is no cure for depression but you've brought out the better parts of me, despite my illnesses. People with mental illness, or people in general, react to inconveniences and obstacles differently. Some handle them better than others, but it really isn't a competition. My illnesses may not be as bad but that doesn't invalidate my feelings or anyone else's."

By the time yuta had finished his little speech, they had arrived at the place sicheng had planned out for them. In front of them held a tiny children's park. Sicheng had come earlier to set up a large tent with blankets, pillows and a picnic basket. Fairy lights were placed on both, the inside and the outside, of the tent. The sun was setting and the evening would be turning to night in the blink of an eye, so the lights were the most important last piece.

Yuta rushed to the set up tent and climbed inside, he was utterly shocked. "Sicheng, you did all of this?"

Sicheng nodded and crawled into the setup as well, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. As soon as sicheng had finally got inside, yuta tackled the boy into a tight hug. Almost as if it was an instinct, sicheng relaxed in the olders arms and snuggled himself further into his embrace.

"I love you." yuta whispered.

"I love you too."

The two enjoyed the rest of their time there. They ate almost everything that was packed into the picnic basket. They talked for hours. Telling random childhood stories, corny jokes and simply having fun with their lover.

Neither boy knew exactly when they fell in love with the other, but they knew they had fallen.

They had fallen hard.

Light - yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now