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"It's been a while since i've seen you, yuta. What brings you back?"

Yuta shifted in his seat uncomfortably. The sun beamed in through the curtains, shining itself on yutas honey-like skin. Yuta sat on the bigger couch that was kept in the lounge, his therapist sitting opposite of him.

The others were all busy with their lives. Well, everyone but sicheng. Yuta was his main priority but he wanted those sessions to stay private, so he was out as well.

"Um... it just felt like the right time." yuta answered.

"Well, how've you been?" Dr. moon questioned, positioning his pen behind his ear.

Yuta had heard this question millions of times before, but that didn't make it easier to answer. Most people asked just to make small talk, which he'd simply answer with 'fine'. Others asked to make sure he hadn't gone fully insane just yet.

"I've been quite better these days." he replied.

"Would you say 'happy'?" Dr. moon questioned further.





"Sicheng is a friend of mine. My happiness depends on him." yuta stated.

The doctor raised his eyebrows. "Why is that?"

'God, therapists ask a lot of questions...' yuta thought to himself.

"He convinced me to start coming back."

The doctor hummed and jotted something down on his notepad. "That's unusual. Your mothers been trying to convince you to come back for years."

Yuta simply nodded in response. "I guess that sicheng guy is a special one." Dr. moon chuckled.

"I guess you could say that." yuta replied. It always took yuta weeks to get comfortable going to therapy, especially having not gone for years. Anyone close to the japanese male knew that he didn't talk much unless he was comfortable with you. Knowing that this doctor was only talking to him because he's being paid to, doesn't necessarily help.

"What makes him so special? If you don't mind me asking."

"He brings out the real me, my personality. He doesn't see me as a helpless guy that spends his days rotting away in his bedroom." yuta answered truthfully.

The doctor nodded and wrote something else down. "Would you say that you're attaching yourself onto someone you love and admire because you feel 'helpless'?"

"No." yuta gritted his teeth, his body beginning to tense up. The doctor took note of his change in behavior.

"Ah, well our hour is coming to an end soon nakamoto. Before we end things, I'd like to hear your thoughts on being put back on medication."

"No." yuta shook his head.

"I think it'd be a great decision, you should-"


As if on cue, sicheng, xiaojun and hendery stepped into the house, bags of groceries in hand.

"I'll see you next week, yuta." The doctor stood, bidding farewells at everyone as he left.

Sicheng noticed yutas distressed state and immediately rushed over to him, dumping his bags into xiaojuns already full hands. He cupped yutas face in both of his hands and rubbed calming circles on his cheeks with his thumbs. "Yuta, what's wrong?"

Sicheng grabbed onto yutas hand and dragged him into their room. Yuta sighed and hugged sicheng as tight as he could.

After a while of being cradled by sicheng, yuta finally spoke. "I'm going to keep going to therapy, but he wants me to start taking meds again."

"You don't want to go back on meds?" sicheng questioned.

Yuta shook his head. "I don't like the way they make me feel."

"It was just a suggestion, yuyu. I think it'll help but after all, it is your decision." sicheng comforted him, rubbing circles on their interwoven hands.

Yuta let out a deep breath. "I'll think about it."

Sicheng smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth and hugged the older male in front of him.

'The things I do for dong sicheng...' yuta chuckled to himself as he hugged him back.

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