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Sicheng had been more secretive. Yuta was sure that sicheng had fallen asleep before his conversation with kun and ten a week prior, so he was confused about sichengs new secretive demeanor. It almost felt as if he was avoiding yuta as well. Sicheng was staying at school later and going out more. Yuta began to spiral.

When sicheng was around, it wasn't for long and he didn't speak with anyone.

Yuta hadn't slept and it was taking everything in him to take his meds. To say he needed sicheng would be an understatement. Ten, being close with both males, tried his best to calm yutas spirits and find out what was up with sicheng. Unfortunately, he failed at both.

Yuta had dragged himself out of bed to make it to his job interview, which eventually turned into an interrogation of his relationship with sicheng.


Yuta ran a hand through his messy hair and approached the counter of the ice cream parlor. He was happy that chenle was working today, it allowed him to be more comfortable knowing that sicheng had put in a good word for him.

"Chenle?" yuta called out for the boy sweeping the floors a few feet in front of him. The aforementioned boy turned to the voice and immediately began to smile.

"You must be yuta!" chenle placed the broom against the counter and shook yutas hand, earning a smile in return.

"I'm here for the job interview." yuta informed, to which chenle nodded vigorously.

"The manager isn't here so you'll be doing the interview with me," he sat down in the nearest booth, "— come sit!"

Yuta thought it was a bit unprofessional to have an employee hire other employees but brushed it off.

As yuta sat down, chenle dusted himself off and fixed his posture, going for a more classy look.

"Have you worked in this field in any of your previous jobs?" chenle asked, the brightest smile plastered onto his features. Yuta shook his head 'no.'

Chenle sighed. "Well, sicheng said you'd do good so i'm gonna take his word for it, you're hired!"

"Really? Don't you thi-" Yutas eyes widened as he stumbled over his words.

"—Forget about that! now tell me, what's it like dating sicheng? does he still snore in his sleep? He used to snore a lot in his sleep when he started college! his mom always thought it was because drugs but no one ever really knew......." yuta zoned out after the first two questions, he wondered how long the boy had been waiting to meet yuta to ask these things.


Yuta was sat in the lounge room amongst everyone except for ten and sicheng, no one knew where either one of them had been at.

Yangyang and hendery had been bickering over who gets the television when everyone heard the front door open. The lounge room held a clear view of the front door, exposing sicheng who had been trying to sneak into the home silently.

Sicheng panicked as his eyes met yuta, he tried to rush to his room but failed miserably.

"Sit. Now." yuta patted the seat next to his on the couch. Sicheng warily walked over and plopped down onto the couch, a pout sneaking its way onto his lips.

"Why are you avoiding me?" yuta rubbed sichengs arms comfortingly, the others watched in anticipation.

"Well-" sichengs explanation was cut short as a dramatically sobbing ten barged into the room.

"My bestest friend is leaving me!" ten whined, holding up a hand full of documents.

"I'm not going anywhere?" yangyang furrowed his eyebrows but ten immediately dismissed his foolish statement.

"Not you, idiot," ten scoffed before his face was replaced with a frown. "Sicheng is!"

A chorus of 'he is?' sprung throughout the room, yuta was relieved he wasn't the only one confused.

"These are documents signed with his name for an apartment!" ten whined, waving the documents around in the air.

"You're moving out?" yuta whispered to the boy beside him.

Sicheng sighed and sat back in his seat, "We."

"We don't speak french, sicheng!" ten wiped his eyes dramatically, xiaojun nodding at his statement.

Sicheng groaned at his friends behavior and gestured his fingers towards yuta and himself. "No- as in we, me and yuta are moving out."

Now yuta was even more confused.

"It was supposed to be a surprise for yuta! why were you snooping through our room anyway?" sicheng questioned, ten waved it off.

"You and yuta are moving into an apartment together?"

Sicheng looked over yutas expression, looking for any hints or signs of a 'no'. Once he saw nothing but a smile on tge males face, he smiled as well and nodded.

"Why the sudden change?" kun questioned, sicheng shrugged.

"We're in a relationship, and we'd like to see how far things could possibly go." yuta nodded in affirmation.

"Can we visit whenever we want?" hendery grinned menacingly. sicheng shook his head, ten nodding.

"Now that that's over," yukhei grabbed the television remote from yangyang and began pulling up netflix, "can we get back to our movie?"

Sicheng giggled and nodded, snuggling into yutas side. Both males were happy to be starting a new chapter of their lives.

writing is like an escape sometimes. i wanna write another fanfic but i have no idea what ship to write about :/

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