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"I need all six of you out of the house, like now." sicheng pointed at the men that stood in front of him then pointed at the door.

"What is it now?" hendery groaned.

"Where are we even supposed to go?" xiaojun asked.

Sicheng wanted to do something special for yuta. Since having confessed their feelings for each other, he wanted to do something extra nice for the older. He knew yuta wouldn't be comfortable going out, so he settled on ordering food and having a movie marathon. Though, sicheng was not planning on telling his roommates this. He loved his friends dearly, but they had to go.

"Ten, call johnny or something? I don't know just leave!" sicheng began to shove them towards the door.

"What about yuta? why does he get to stay?" yangyang asked skeptically, the others awaiting sichengs answer.

Sicheng began to panic, he didn't know how to answer that. "Er... he's sleeping! I don't want to wake him just to tell him to leave."

Ten nodded suspiciously and guided the others out the house. "Don't do anything gay while we're gone!" hendery yelled before the door was shut.

Sicheng rolled his eyes at his friends foolishness and began to serve the food he ordered.

Yuta tip-toed out of their room and peaked around the corner. "Are they gone?"

Sicheng giggled and nodded, pushing yutas plate forward on the corner. "Movie marathon?" yuta grinned as he brushed sichengs hair out of his face with his fingers.

Sicheng nodded and pointed towards a stack of movie disks on the coffee table that sat in the middle of the lounge room. "Scary movies!"

Yuta carried both plates to the lounge room and sat down on the bigger couch, sicheng joining him after popping a disk into the television.


Many jumpscares later, sicheng ended up falling asleep with his head in yutas lap. Yutas eyes had abandoned the television for ten minutes, he'd much rather watch the beautiful younger boy lay asleep in his lap.

Yuta clicked the television off with the remote and stood up from the couch, carrying sicheng in his arms bridal style. His movements were quiet and careful, trying his best to avoid waking up the sleeping beauty.

He awkwardly opened the door to their shared bedroom and placed sicheng in the center of the bed. As yuta began to walk back to the lounge area, sicheng begun to stir in his sleep.

"No. come back, yuta." sicheng whined.

"Somebody has to clean up the mess we made." yuta chuckled but laid in bed with sicheng nonetheless.

Sicheng snuggled up to yutas side. "Y'know, first dates usually end with kisses." he hummed against yutas torso.

Yuta grinned, tilting sichengs head up and placing a soft peck onto his lips. Sicheng smiled with satisfaction as he began to fall asleep once more.

"We can have kun clean the mess up tomorrow." he said before letting slumber envelope him.

Yuta kissed his forehead and fell asleep as well.

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