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Everyone in the house, except yuta, was gathered in the lounge room. No one knew why, all they knew is that ten called an 'emergency meeting'.

"I'm glad we've all gathered here today." ten spoke.

"We live here." hendery replied, earning a smack from ten.

"Ten, what was so important?" yangyang questioned, obviously annoyed.

"I'm glad you asked." ten grinned, hendery squinted his eyes at the male. "I think it's important that we discuss sichengs troubling situation."

"What troubling situation?" sicheng furrowed his eyebrows as confusion consumed him.

"The troubling situation is that you've yet to accept your feelings for a certain japanese guy." ten wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ten! Some of us have classes in the morning!" Lucas scolded ten, ten shrugging him off in exchange.

Sicheng groaned at the idiocy of his 'friend'. "What makes you think i'm in denial? I could have realized my feelings for him and just not have told you." sicheng frowned.

"So you admit there's feelings there?" Ten asked, the others looking between the two.

"Ten! what does it matter?"

"As your closest friends, we deserve to know."

"We're his only friends." xiaojun retorted, sicheng sending him a quick glare.

"Look, either sicheng likes the guy or he doesn't." Kun spoke up.

"Yeah, I mean after all, you don't cuddle with friends." lucas stated.

"Well, do you?" ten pressed further.

Sicheng wanted to be dragged into a sinkhole. He was mentally beating ten up as he felt 6 pairs of eyes on him, awaiting his answer. He blushed furiously and mentally groaned. There was one of two options he could choose. He could lie and be pressured into admitting the truth or come clean and endure the never-ending teasing he would receive.

In his opinion, it was a lose-lose situation.

Before sicheng could speak up, he heard his bedroom door open. Seven pairs of eyes now followed yuta into the kitchen. Upon feeling their eyes, yuta looked at the seven males that were already staring at him.

"What?" yuta asked awkwardly as he began to make a bowl of cereal.

Sicheng saw a smile grow on tens face. Upon seeing the smile on the males face, sicheng kicked him as hard as he could.

"Ow." ten whined, rubbing his leg where he was kicked.

"Don't say another word." sicheng spoke the gritted teeth, only the two of them being able hear this exchange.

Sicheng stood from the couch and walked towards his bedroom. "Absolutely nothing, yuta. Let's go." sicheng entered his room, yuta followed with his bowl of cereal in hand.

As soon as the door shut, yuta spoke first. "What was that about?" he gestured towards the door.

Sicheng sighed and flopped onto the bed. "Just ten being his regular self."

Yuta placed his bowl of cereal to the side and turned his full attention to the clearly distressed male in front of him. He began to run his hands smoothly through sichengs hair, in an attempt to calm him down. Which it did.

"Yuta... I know we've kissed but is there any chance you could possibly have any feelings for me." sicheng fiddled with his fingers as a crimson red flushed his cheeks. He figured it was best he confronted his own feelings before ten did.

Yuta had never been in an actual relationship but something about sicheng was oddly special to him. Seeing the younger male smile or hearing him laugh made yuta happy. It had been a while since yuta was genuinely happy, but when he was with sicheng, happiness wasn't a rare feeling.

Yuta pulled sicheng in, closing the gap between the two. The kiss was slow and delicate, as if it was transferring the beautiful feelings they shared into it.

"Was that a yes?" sicheng asked once they pulled apart.

"Duh, idiot."

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